Themenabend "Diskutier Ma(h)l": "Ziviler Ungehorsam" (Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun) Herzliche Einladung zu einem Themenabend im Kirchenpavillon, organisiert vom Lehrstuhl für (Sozial-)Ethik und dem Evangelischen Forum. Nach einem Input von Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun zum Thema "Ziviler Ungehorsam" sind alle Besucher*innen zum Mitdenken und -diskutieren eingeladen. Der Eintritt ist frei, zudem wird es vor Ort einen kleinen Snack geben.
Themenabend "All well through Artificial Intelligence?" (Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun) A warm invitation to an evening with a dinner, talks and discussions in the church pavilion, organised by the Chair of (Social) Ethics and the Evangelisches Forum. After an input by Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun on "All well through Artificial Intelligence?", all guests are invited to join in the discussion. Admission is free, and there will be a snack offered.
Discussion & Dinner "Europe and its borders/limits" (Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun) A warm invitation to an evening with a dinner, talks and discussions in the church pavilion, organised by the Chair of (Social) Ethics and the Evangelisches Forum. After an input by Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun on "Europe and its borders/limits", all guests are invited to join in the discussion. Admission is free, and there will be a snack offered.
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "Ethical Considerations of AI in Health Care: A Prognosis from Sub-Saharan Africa" (Mark Gaffley, Research ICT Africa) Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "More than the sum of ist parts? The ethics of human-AI collaboration in medicine" (Karin Jongsma, Utrecht University) Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "'Thi sis not an abortion'. How To (And Not To) Theorise on Abortion in Light of Technological Developments" (Giulia Cavaliere, King´s College London) Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting Algorithmic Groups under Anti-Discrimination Law" (Sandra Wachter, Uniersity of Oxford) Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "Embedded Ethics in Theory and Practice" (Daniel Tigard, University of San Diego) Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 16 November, we have Daniel Tigard as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your – in this case – dinner while Daniel‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! The lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!
Lunch Series "Ethics | AI | Health": "The regulation of Medical AI: Policy Approaches, Data, and Innovation Incentives" (Ariel Dora Stern, Havard Business School" Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 7 December, we have Ariel Dora Stern as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your lunch while Ariel‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!
The ascent of AI has both been fuelled by and produced a steady proliferation of images, which disturb not only through their sheer number, but due to their very nature. On the one hand, the images unsettle through their undeniable verisimilitude, sparking concerns about deep fakes, forgery, trust etc. in both political and personal domains. On the other hand, AI images disrupt through their uncanny quality, their mixture of hyper-realism and crude inaccuracy, which seems to manifest an intelligence parasitic upon and yet very much not our own. The increasing omnipresence of such images suggests that we think of AI image-cultures themselves as iconoclastic phenomena, but one occurring within the realm of image-production itself: a set of fundamental challenges to our understanding of the politics and ontology of images and associated preconceptions about originality, creativity, accuracy and representation.
Whilst typical AI user interfaces are designed to facilitate the illusion of a person-to-person interaction, the user is, of course, engaging with a vast ‘social’ network distributed across human, non-biological and digital nodes, enabled by an infrastructure comprising human intellectual labour, data centres, energy resources etc. How should this sociality be modelled? What is its ontological status? The participation in social networks that enables human intelligence is reflected in the very nature of that intelligence – but does this, as is often claimed, provide a model for understanding the relation between AI and its (very different) enabling conditions? The Kyoto workshop will be devoted to addressing these and related questions.
Since fall 2023, researchers from all over the world have come together in Zoom conferences to reflect on the role of children as participants in theological reflection and research. One of the central themes that has emerged in the five Zoom sessions is the topic of “diaspora” and the question of the role of spirituality, resilience and religious traditions in crisis situations in children's lives. The project is part of TRA4 (Individuals, Institutions and Societies) and is organized by the Chair of Religious Education. From 28 to 30 April 2025, an Expert Seminar will be organized for the participants of the project at the Impulse Villa of the University of Bonn (Adenauerallee, 131). On the first evening, April 28, at 8 pm in Rabinstraße (seminar room 1), a public lecture will be held by Prof. Shantelle Weber (Stellenbosch University in South Africa) entitled “A Child will lead us: Exploring childhood and theological education through simplicity and play”.
Since fall 2023, researchers from all over the world have come together in Zoom conferences to reflect on the role of children as participants in theological reflection and research. One of the central themes that has emerged in the five Zoom sessions is the topic of “diaspora” and the question of the role of spirituality, resilience and religious traditions in crisis situations in children's lives. The project is part of TRA4 (Individuals, Institutions and Societies) and is organized by the Chair of Religious Education. From 28 to 30 April 2025, an Expert Seminar will be organized for the participants of the project at the Impulse Villa of the University of Bonn (Adenauerallee, 131). On the first evening, April 28, at 8 pm in Rabinstraße (seminar room 1), a public lecture will be held by Prof. Shantelle Weber (Stellenbosch University in South Africa) entitled “A Child will lead us: Exploring childhood and theological education through simplicity and play”.