Membership Application

Membership in the network is open to anyone who is involved in a collaborative research project of the TRA 4 or who would like to contribute to a TRA 4-funded collaborativ project

as well as who...

  • ... demonstrated the ability to perform independent scientific work in a research field of the TRA 4, and is a member of the University of Bonn.
  • ... is a PhD student at the University of Bonn and working in a research field of the TRA 4 (as non-voting member).
  • ... demonstrated the ability to perform independent scientific work in a research field of the TRA 4, and is an employee of a cooperation partner of the University of Bonn. External members can be admitted upon justified proposal of a TRA member (send to

The members of TRA 4 undertake to comply with the Regulations for Safeguarding Good Research Practice1 and the Guidelines for Research Ethics2.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Please upload a photo for use on the TRA website
Research Profile
This refers to the University of Bonn.
The data and images entered may be used for internal purposes of the University of Bonn and published on the homepage of the TRA. I have filled out the information regarding the photo copyright truthfully.
Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder.
The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at tra4@uni-bonn.de3

Thank you very much!

Wird geladen