
Funding opportunities of the TRA 'Individuals, Institutions and Societies'

We support your third-party funding application from the idea to networking, start-ups and service to the application!

© Management TRA 1; bearb. v. Management TRA 4
  • Idea: Use TRA-specific calls, programs and events.
  • Network: find cooperation partners, develop & discuss ideas in workshops
  • Start-up: Start projects & apply for (financial/ideal) funding
  • Service: Application advice for TRA and third-party funding
  • Application: Project support and contact to specific consulting and service institutions

For more information on our support options:

Idea: TRA-specific calls, programs & events.

Here you will find information on TRA-specific calls, external funding programs and events related to the TRA 'Individuals and Societies'.


Call: Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship (Deadline: 15.08. of each year)5
Annemarie Schimmel’s life and work has built bridges between East and West, between Islam and Christianity and has inspired researchers of religion around the globe. On the occasion of her 100th birthday, the Annemarie Schimmel Fellowship was established to give international PhD students and young scholars the opportunity for a stay at the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues (CTSI) at Bonn University to pursue research in the field of Comparative Theology. The Fellowship will support the CTSI’s goal of providing a space for exchange and bridge-building between various religious traditions.
Call for Application: 'Iconoclasm in the Age of AI' & 'The Social Ontology of AI' (Deadline: 31.03.2025)6
In association with the Udo Keller Stiftung Forum Humanum and the TRA 4 – Individuals, Institutions and Societies, the International Centre for Philosophy (IZPH) of the University of Bonn is offering 6 Forum Humanum fellowships to qualified doctoral and masters students from any department in the social sciences or humanities at the University of Bonn to participate at two events of the Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities (IPNH) this autumn: an event to be held at the New School for Social Research (New York City, Sep. 1-5) and at an event to be held at the Kyōto Institute of Philosophy (KIP) (Kyōto, Sep. 22-26). Researchers within the TRA 4 – Individuals, Institutions and Societies investigate how institutions mediate complex relationships between individuals and society and thereby develop a new view of micro-phenomena (development of personality, agency, individualization) as well as macro-phenomena (world society, globalization). Sharing this research objective, the Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities is founded on the premise that genuine knowledge acquisition, truth and objectivity are not the exclusive preserve of any single discipline or method. The concepts we deploy to understand and evaluate human cultural and scientific achievements also have to be placed within their broader social, political and intellectual context and therefore have to be approached from a truly interdisciplinary perspective. The Institute thus aims to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines and draw on the resources of the social sciences, philosophy, and the humanities more generally, in order to pursue a collaborative understanding of the nature and goals of the humanistic and social scientific disciplines and to grapple with the challenges they face in light of the increasing prevalence of intellectual models imported from other disciplines. 
Call for proposals “Networking to promote young talent” with reference to the profile area “Social Cohesion”7
Social cohesion has many facets. For example, “the Council of Europe defines social cohesion as the ability of a society to ensure the well-being of all its members and to manage differences and divisions by minimising inequalities and avoiding marginalisation, and to ensure the means to achieve the well-being of all.” Social media, among others, play a special role in our society - with both integrating and fragmenting effects that need to be systematically empirically tested.At the same time, this correlates with questions about individual knowledge and skills, habits, behavioural styles and personality traits, but also about motives, goals and (educational) contexts, which can only be answered through cooperation between economics, sociology, law, psychology, theology, media studies and others.
Call for proposals for the development of the potential profile area “Social Cohesion” (Deadline: 15.01.2025 )8
Social cohesion has many facets. For example, “the Council of Europe defines social cohesion as the ability of a society to ensure the well-being of all its members and to manage differences and divisions by minimising inequalities and avoiding marginalisation, and to ensure the means to achieve the well-being of all.” Social media, among others, play a special role in our society - with both integrating and fragmenting effects that need to be systematically empirically tested. At the same time, this correlates with questions about individual knowledge and skills, habits, behavioural styles and personality traits, but also about motives, goals and (educational) contexts that can only be answered through cooperation between economics, sociology, law, psychology, theology, media studies and others.



Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

The DFG offers a variety of funding programs, such as Single Grants (SBH), Packet Proposals and Research Units (FOR), Independent Junior Research Groups (ENP), Research Training Groups (GRK), Priority Programs (SPP), Collaborative Research Centers (SFB)/Transregios (TRR), and Clusters of Excellence (EXC).


European Research Council (ERC)

Talented young scientists* (2 to 7 years after PhD), advanced scientists* (7-12 years after PhD), established and leading research leaders who want to build a research team can apply for the ERC Starting Grant, ERC Consolidator Grant or ERC Advanced Grant. Other funding opportunities: ERC Proof of Concept, ERC Synergy Grant.

© EU Kommission

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

The MSCA is one of the most important funding programs of the European Union for the training of young scientists. It funds excellent research and innovation by researchers from all fields at all career stages as well as interdisciplinary research collaborations.

Network: Let's talk about it - Think Tank & Exchange

The TRA 'Individuals & Societies' offers multiple opportunities for networking and exchange.


With its questions, the TRA 'Individuals and Societies' connects various actors from the faculties of the University of Bonn and existing research institutions, such as the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, the 'Forschungskolleg normative Gesellschaftsgrundlagen', the International Center for Philosophy, the Graduate School NRW Digitale Gesellschaft and many others.

Build your idea and your network: Workshops

Take advantage of TRA's networking and exchange opportunities, as well as our other support during the various stages of your external funding application.

Funding can include, for example, funds for workshops and networking events:

  • Kick-off meetings: brainstorming on the content direction of the project and the appropriate third-party funding format.
  • Open workshops/panels: finding collaborative partners for the application process
  • Workshops/Retreats for the preparation of your third-party funding application

Have we aroused your interest? Contact our TRA manager!

© Adrian on pixabay

Start-up: Funding opportunities for projects & events

TRA 'Individuals and Societies' offers several options for financial support of your project.

Create your idea: Event Grants

Our funding can include, for example, the financing of a workshop or networking event

  • to stimulate brainstorming about the appropriate third-party funding program for your idea.
  • finding cooperation partners for your third-party funding proposal.
  • to advance the preparation of your third-party funding proposal.

Focus: Promote inter/transdisciplinary research activities that address the goals of TRA 'Individuals and Societies'.

Start your project: Project Grants

Our support can also include

  • the employment of student/research assistants and - in special cases - of scientific staff to support you in the preparation of your third-party funding application.
  • other research needs, such as travel or event costs for the preparation of your third-party funding application.

Focus: Funding of inter-/transdisciplinary research projects that address the goals of TRA 'Individuals and Societies'.

Things to know: funding opportunities, specifications,...

Applications may be submitted by members of TRA 'Individuals and Societies' by September 1 for the following fiscal year and by March 1 for the current fiscal year and are subject to the availability of funds. Funds are subject to annuality, longer periods and short-term funding are available upon request. Approval decisions are made by the TRA 'Individuals and Societies' Steering Committee based on project content and availability of funds. At least two faculties or a strategic cooperation partner of the University of Bonn must be involved in an application. Further information can be found in our financial guide.

© nattanan23 on pixabay

Application for TRA 'Individuals and Societies'

An application includes the application form (cf. eCampus16) and a project outline, in which the project content and the inter/transdisciplinary orientation are described, as well as the extent to which the goals of TRA 'Individuals and Societies' are addressed. It also contains information on the intended outcome, a time plan and a budget. The overall scope is based on the project and the amount of funding requested.

Please contact our TRA manager for more information (e.g., procedures, application guidance, funding lines, etc.) before submitting your application.

Service & Application: Advice & Contacts

The TRA 'Individuals & Societies' offers various possibilities for financial and ideal support of your project from the idea to networking, start-ups and service to the application!

The TRA Individuals & Societies offers you

  • individual application advice on TRA 'Individuals and Societies' funding opportunities
  • initial consultations on third-party funding programs
  • support during your project

Johanna Tix

Managerin TRA 'Individuals and Societies'

Specific consulting and service offerings for research funding (Division 7.1)

You have a project idea and are now looking for a funding opportunity? You are already planning the application for a research project and need support? You are already leading a project and have questions about the financial processing? You are involved in a collaborative project and need a cooperation agreement? The department 7.1 Förderberatung will be happy to advise and support you!

Further consulting and service offers of the University of Bonn

Transfer Center enaCom

Mediator, translator and catalyst between science and participants outside science - goal: to make research results available for the benefit of society

Service Center Research Data Management

Support of the FDM throughout the entire research process - from the planning and application of research projects to the publication and archiving of research data

Equal Opportunity

Offers, initiatives, measures and support programs that specifically contribute to the promotion of diversity, participation and equal opportunities, as well as enable individual and needs-based support

Argelander Program: Early career scientists

The Argelander Program supports you on your way to a scientific career after your PhD. The various funding lines offer you the opportunity to sharpen your international profile and expand your scientific network.

More about the TRA  'Individuals and Societies'

About the TRA 'Individuals and Societies'

Learn more about goals and the organization of the transdisciplinary research area.


Read here about the research profile, topics and funded projects of our TRA.


Here you can learn more about our offers  and our events.

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