Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen 

Argelander Professorship for the Law of Sustainability and Ecological Transformation, University of Bonn

Research Professorship in the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Individuals, Institutions and Societies"1 at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

Legal instruments and limits of ecological transformation

What legal options do cities have to be able to complete the transformation to a green, just, productive and healthy city in the sense of the New Leipzig-Charta 2021? What legal limits are they subject to in doing so? What answers do constitutions provide to the question of ecological transformation and the resulting social sustainability challenges?

Jacqueline Lorenzen conducts research on legal issues related to sustainable urban development. As cities are not only responsible for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions in global terms, but at the same time exhibit a particular vulnerability to the consequences of climate change, they are important actors in the context of the necessary transformation processes. In spatial planning and among architects, various recent instruments and concepts (e.g. "vertical city", "sponge city", "resilient city") are discussed to cope with these processes, which Jacqueline Lorenzen examines in more detail from the perspective of administrative law and administrative science. In addition, she devotes herself to the dogmatic and theoretical penetration of climate protection and environmental energy law, which is characterized by numerous current and dynamic developments and novel individual issues. Finally, it illuminates constitutional sustainability issues, taking into account environmental science concepts such as that of the "Anthropocene" or the "planetary boundaries." Since the ecological transformation is increasingly developing into a social sustainability challenge, she also directs attention to the (constitutional) legal management of problems of equality of burdens and distributive justice.

Avatar Lorenzen

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Lorenzen


Argelander Professor of Environmental Economics, Inequality and Sustainability

Visiting address

Adenauerallee 44 (3. OG)

53113 Bonn

Postal address

Adenauerallee 24-42

53113 Bonn

Curriculum vitae

Jacqueline Lorenzen studied law at the University of Heidelberg (2010-2015). She subsequently completed her doctorate there with a thesis on the "Control of a differentiating EU self-government", which was published in 2019 and awarded the University of Heidelberg's Ruprecht-Karls-Preis in 2020. After her legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Munich (2018-2020), she worked first as an academic assistant, later as an academic councilor (a.Z.) at the Heidelberg Institute for German and European Administrative Law (Chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kahl, M.A.). In addition, she worked as a postdoc at the Interdisciplinary Research Network "Environments - Upheavals - Rethinking" at Heidelberg University from 2020 to 2022. Since April 2023, she holds the Argelander Professorship for the Law of Sustainability and Ecological Transformation.

  • Law of sustainability (especially issues of sustainable urban development, sustainability and constitution)
  • Environmental law (in particular climate protection and environmental energy law, water law, procedural instruments)
  • Security law
  • European law (in particular European administrative law)
  • 2020: Second State Exam in Law (Bayern, OLG-Bezirk München)
  • 2019: Doctorate (Dr. jur.) (Universität Heidelberg)
  • 2015: First Juridical Exam (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Kontrolle einer sich ausdifferenzierenden EU-Eigenverwaltung, Tübingen 2019, 486 Seiten (Mohr Siebeck, Beiträge zum Verwaltungsrecht, Bd. 8).
  • Verfassungsrechtliche Grundlagen der Regionalpolitik in Deutschland, in: M. Hüther et al. (Hrsg.), Die Zukunft der Regionen in Deutschland. Zwischen Vielfalt und Gleichwertigkeit, Köln 2019, S. 49–66 (gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Kahl).
  • Staatsziel Umweltschutz, grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten und intertemporaler Freiheitsschutz in Zeiten der Klimakrise. Zugleich eine Besprechung der Entscheidung des BVerfG vom 24.03.2021 − 1 BvR 2656/18, 1 BvR 78/20, 1 BvR 96/20, 1 BvR 288/20 −, in: VBlBW 2021, S. 485–494.
  • Nachhaltige Kernenergie? – Eine rechtliche Einordnung der Kommissionsinitiative zu „grünen“ Investitionen in Kernkraft, in: ESG Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung 1/2022, S. 12–17.
    Das EU-Klimagesetz im Lichte von Demokratie- und Effektivitätsprinzip, in: EurUP 2022, S. 156–165.
  • Anthropozän, in: T. Meier et al. (Hrsg.), Umwelt interdisziplinär – Grundlagen, Konzepte, Handlungsfelder, Heidelberg, (gemeinsam mit Oliver Schlaudt, Olaf Bubenzer, Hans Gebhardt, Frank Keppler und Friederike Reents), Online-Preprint, 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11588/heidok.00031286 .
  • Natürlicher Klimaschutz in der Stadt – Handlungsfelder, Instrumente und Herausforderungen, in: DVBl 2023, 398–406.

Ein vollständiges Publikationsverzeichnis findet sich hier (Verlinken: https://www.jura.uni-bonn.de/institute-und-lehrstuehle/lehrstuhl-jprof-dr-lorenzen/jprof-dr-lorenzen/publikationsverzeichnis)

Projects/Third-party funding

Publishing a special issue of the journal Global Environment following an international and interdisciplinary conference of the same name in October 2022 at the University of Heidelberg

with Tanja Granzow, Sara Landa and Matthias Schumann

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