Membership Application

This is the membership application for the TRA "Past Worlds and Modern Questions. Cultures across Time and Space" (TRA Present Pasts).

You are eligible to become a member if you...

... are capable to persue independent research in the TRA's research area and are member of a faculty of the University of Bonn
... match the criteria above and are not member of the University of Bonn but are staff of an institut that holds a cooperation agreement with University of Bonn
... are a PhD Student at University of Bonn in the TRA's research area (membership without voting rights)

Please contact the TRA-Management for any questions concerning the membership at Thank you!

Please upload a portrait photo for your profile on the TRA website. You can also give us permission to use the photo (if available) already used on your university website. If you do not wish to upload a portrait photo, we will use a general dummy photo.
(University of Bonn)
In order to ease the overview in the multitude of research foci represented in TRA, we would like to ask you to choose a maximum of 3-5 keywords from the following list, which are particularly relevant in your research for possible transdisciplinary collaborative projects and where you are interested in networking. They will be added to your entry in the TRA membership directory.
(max. 140 words)
(max. 4)
Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder.
The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.

Please contact the TRA-Management for any questions concerning the membership at Thank you!

Wird geladen