
Our offers

The TRA Present Pasts sees its function as coordination platform for debates and academic exchange. It provides start-up funding for research projects, provides support to early-career researchers and establishes fora for academic exchange. Scholars of the University of Bonn and its cooperating institutions are invited to network within the Transdisciplinary Research Area.

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Offers for Our Members

  • Collaboration platform
  • Start-up funding for collaborative research projects
  • Network meetings, workshops, etc. on the profile areas of communication and heritage
  • Newsletter on current funding calls, events, network meetings, etc.
  • Consulting for TRA funding applications
  • Advice for externally funded projects (DFG/EU/BMBF): The TRA management is available to members for initial advice, administrative support and referral to the contact persons in the research department!
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Our Funding

The TRA Present Pasts funds projects and initiatives at all intersections of the TRA profile. Applications for funding can be submitted at any time. The TRA Present Pasts Steering Committee meets several times a year and decides on funding applications. The award is also dependent on the annual availability of funds, which is done through the Excellence Funds of the University of Bonn. All important information about the structure and legal basis can be found in the statute1 of the TRA Present Pasts.

An application can be submitted...

  • Any member of the TRA Present Pasts with a PhD
  • Doctoral students who are members of the TRA Present Pasts may submit a joint application with a PhD member of the TRA
© TRA Present Pasts

Current Events

  • 11/10/2023; 11/24/2023; 12/08/2023; 12/15/2023; 01/19/2024; 01/26/2024; 02/02/2024 Debates in ArcheoSciences
  • 11/22/2023 General Assembly TRA Present Pasts
  • 11/23/2023 Public Talk by Prof. Dr. Sophia Labadi (Title: "Colonial statues in postcolonial Africa, a multidimensional approach")

Events - Review

TRAnsDigital Workshop: Digitalization of the Humanities and Social Sciences

On 26 April 2024, the TRA-spanning workshop was dedicated to the question of the potentials and challenges associated with the digitalisation of research in the humanities and social sciences (including economics). In addition to the exchange of knowledge and best practice experiences in workshop sessions on various cross-disciplinary fields of application, the event offered the opportunity to make interesting contacts across disciplines and TRAs.

General Assembly Oct. 12, 2022

© Uni Bonn

In addition to the annual report, the elections of the speakers and the steering committee, the announcement of the TRA Present Pasts Young Research Award 2022 and a lecture by the Hertz Professor of Global Heritage Paul Basu, the TRA Present Pasts used the meeting as a networking event. Nearly 70 members gathered for a poster session with snacks and drinks.

The TRA projects 'Open Museum', 'Digitalisierte Erinnerungspraktiken in China und im internationalen Vergleich' and 'Religiöse Kommunikation' as well as the university centres ZHF, BMZ, MHZ, ZVF, CCT and BoCAS, the Cluster of Excellence BCDSS, and the Dölger Institute presented their work. At the same time, the service points Research Data Service Centers and Open Access, the Research and Innovation Services (EU applications and BMBF applications), and the TransferCenter enaCom offered info points.

General Assembly Nov. 22, 2023

© Sarah Moll

In addition to the annual report on the TRA's activities in 2023, Argelander Professor Julia Binter spoke on the topic of “Plurifying the Formation of Knowledge across Museums and Heritage”.

Three TRA-funded projects also presented themselves: 

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rohrschneider and Prof. Dr. Andrea Stieldorf: “Kleine und Goße Welten im Rheinland in der Vormoderne”
  • Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter and Simon Hirzel, M.A.: “Digitalisierung und Erschließung des Archivs 'Atlas der deutschen Volkskunde' (AdV)”
  • Dr. Carlos Pallan Gayol and Edouard Grigowski, M.A.: “Open Musuem”

Following the general meeting, the members came together again at the opening of the TRA-sponsored exhibition “Rheinlands Schicksalstage - Das Krisenjahr 1923” at the Uni museum. The exhibition was curated by Dr. Simon Ebert and Sandra Müller-Tietz, M.A. with students and in collaboration with Alma Hannig, M.A.

Your Contact Person for all Questions Concerning the TRA Present Pasts

Avatar Alings

Dr. Kim Alings

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

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