© Svenja Ronge/Uni Bonn
Jun.-Prof. Lena Funcke
- Clausius-Professor of TRA Matter
- Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Research topics
- Particle physics
- Lattice field theory
- Quantum computing
- Machine learning
The research of our group focuses on two complementary approaches to tackle the fundamental open problems of the Standard Model of particle physics. First, we develop new models beyond the Standard Model and study their phenomenological implications, focusing on neutrino masses and the strong CP problem. Second, we advance and apply computational methods to study strongly coupled quantum field theories, based on lattice field theory, tensor networks, deep learning, and quantum computing. While many of these methods currently focus on lower-dimensional theories, our long-term goal is to apply them to the (3+1)-dimensional Standard Model and beyond. For these projects, we collaborate with physicists, mathematicians, and computer scientists from academia and industry.
Selected publications
G. Dvali, L. Funcke*, T. Vachaspati (2023). “Time- and Space-Varying Neutrino Mass Matrix from Soft Topological Defects”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 091601.
L. Funcke*, T. Hartung, K. Jansen, S. Kühn, P. Stornati, X. Wang (2022) “Measurement error mitigation in quantum computers through classical bit-flip correction”, Phys. Rev. A 105, 062404.
C. Alexandrou, J. Finkenrath, L. Funcke*, K. Jansen, B. Kostrzewa, F. Pittler, C. Urbach (2020). “Ruling Out the Massless Up-Quark Solution to the Strong CP Problem by Computing the Topological Mass Contribution with Lattice QCD”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 232001.
*Authors are listed alphabetically by convention in the field.
© Svenja Ronge/Uni Bonn
Jun.-Prof. Lena Funcke
Room 3.003
Nussallee 14-16
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/research-profile/transdisciplinary-research-areas/tra-matter/members-directory/lena-funcke#research_profile-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/research-profile/transdisciplinary-research-areas/tra-matter/members-directory/lena-funcke#businesscard-tab
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/research-profile/transdisciplinary-research-areas/tra-matter/clausius-professur?set_language=en