Our Services for Your BMBF/Federally Funded Project
We assist you with BMBF and federally funded projects, all the way from proposal1 submission and project implementation2 to conclusion of your project. Find current federal funding opportunities3 and contact us4 to discuss your proposal. We look forward to helping you!
Current Calls for Proposals
Find the right funding opportunities or proposals for your research project.
Let us inspire you!
Information on University of Bonn research projects that have received or are currently receiving BMBF or other federal funding is available here.
We can assist you at all points in the proposal process — from initial consultation to submission. Please contact us early in the process if you are planning a specific proposal. We would be happy to answer any questions about BMBF proposals or completing the proposal form for expenditure-based grants (AZA).
We would be happy to organize a kick-off meeting between the project leaders and all relevant departments (Human Resources and Finance) before your proposal is submitted. This will allow you to clarify any unanswered questions about your project in a single meeting.
- General information on funding by BMBF/other federal authorities
- Information based on your individual needs
- Calculation of personnel costs
- Review of proposal eligibility and requirements
Please send your proposal for an expenditure-based grant (AZA) to us first. We will be happy to assist you with completing the form before you submit it to the project-executing organization.
Your expenditure-based grant proposal (AZA) will be reviewed by University management before signing and any outstanding issues discussed with you. Please email us a draft, including annexes, for review at least 14 days before the proposal submission deadline.
Once your project has been approved, we would be happy to arrange a kick-off meeting to start your project where project-related information can be exchanged and project leadership and project management can get to know each other. We provide support for all aspects of project management so that you can focus on your research.
Our services for third-party funded projects:
- Contacts for project-executing organizations and project leaders at the University of Bonn
- Requests for funds and controlling
- Assistance with preparing the numerical section of the financial statement
Important information on the implementation of BMBF/federally funded projects
You can now find out more about our services in the service portal (uniid required).
Important downloads
Your contacts in Third-Party Funding & Project Management
Sarah Golla
Tobias Bangemann
Annika Hasselblatt
Lukas Kotulla
Andrea Kreutzberg
Alexander Kuhl
Vincent Rastädter
Christina Mühle
Christine Wallraf
Your Cooperation Agreement
We strongly recommend that collaborative project coordinators negotiate the cooperation agreement with the project partners while the expenditure-based grant proposal (AZA) is being reviewed by the project-executing organization.
Your contact for research contracts
Mirco Theiner
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Unser Forschungsprofil
Lernen Sie unsere sechs transdisziplinären Forschungsbereiche (TRAs) und ihre spannenden Projekte kennen.
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- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/support-for-researchers-and-teachers/research-funding/funding-advisory-and-management/bmbf-und-bundesmittel#BMBFEN1
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/support-for-researchers-and-teachers/research-funding/funding-advisory-and-management/bmbf-und-bundesmittel#BMBFEN2
- https://www.foerderinfo.bund.de/en/index.html
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/support-for-researchers-and-teachers/research-funding/funding-advisory-and-management/bmbf-und-bundesmittel#BMBFEN3
- https://www.foerderinfo.bund.de/
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=174118342&sortBy=date&highlight=Pauschalwerte_2023.pdf&&preview=/174118342/204157705/AZA-Muster_2024.pdf
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=174118342&sortBy=date&highlight=Pauschalwerte_2023.pdf&&preview=/174118342/204157720/EN_Leitfaden_easyOnline_Einreichung_04_2023.pdf
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=174118342&sortBy=date&highlight=Pauschalwerte_2023.pdf&&preview=/174118342/204157966/HK-Kalkulation_2022_ab%2001.10.2022.xlsx
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=174118342&sortBy=date&highlight=Pauschalwerte_2023.pdf&&preview=/174118342/204157969/Pauschalwerte_2023.pdf
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=174118342#BMBFundBundesmittel-NachderBewilligung
- https://confluence.team.uni-bonn.de/pages/viewpageattachments.action?pageId=174118342&preview=/174118342/204157720/EN_Leitfaden_easyOnline_Einreichung_04_2023.pdf
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschung-und-lehre-medien/informationsblatt-bund_stand-06-03-2023_englisch.pdf
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschung-und-lehre-medien/angebote-fuer-forschende-und-lehrende-medien/abrechnung_lokale_hilfskraefte.xlsx
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/forschungsprofil/forschungsprofil
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/universitaet