Coordination Office Major Instrumentation

We provide support services for your application of Major Instrumentation and Core Facilities all the way from proposal submission and acquisition (purchasing) to conclusion of your project.

Major Research Instrumentation as per Art. 91b GG

As part of the “Major Research Instrumentation” funding programme as defined in Art. 91b of the Basic Law, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is providing investment finance for proportional (50%) funding of major research instrumentation at universities. Investment projects for university research must be of particular scientific quality and have cross-regional significance.

Additionally,  a Major Research Instrumentation is also financed 40% by the ministry of the federal state NRW and 10% by the university.

© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

State Major Instrumentation

In this programme, major instrumentation at German universities and university hospitals is funded by the federal states and/or universities. As part of the programme, the DFG reviews proposals for major instrumentation intended for use in research, training and teaching, or clinical care, on behalf of the federal states.

State Major Instrumentation is financed 90% by the ministry of the federal state NRW and 10% by the university.

Major Instrumentation Initiative

In the context of major instrumentation initiatives it is possible to apply for expensive major equipment with outstanding, innovative technology and the goal of promoting particular scientific and technical issues.

Ideas and suggestions for the establishment of a major instrumentation initiative come from the research community and are submitted in the form of structured concepts. A concept provides justification as to why the DFG should fund a particular technology in the framework of a major instrumentation initiative. It explains the importance of the proposed instrument technology for knowledge-driven research and defines the target group within the research community. A concept describes the extent to which this technology is distinct from currently available technologies and instruments and explains the particular relevance, originality and topicality of research that would be made possible through a major instrumentation initiative.

Core Facilities

The Core Facilities funding programme focuses on usage and management concepts that promote professionalisation of the operation and management of core facilities and support the development of stable structures for the use of these facilities. The aim of the programme is to deliver improved facilities for users and better accessibility of instrumentation-based research infrastructures, including for external researchers from other institutions.

The applicant university must be willing to support the facility financially with funding for staff and direct project costs and to continue operating it after the funding comes to an end. The maximum funding duration for a core facility is five years. For this period, universities can normally apply for up to €150,000 per year.

Project Proposal

Please contact us well in advance of your desired submission date, as extensive coordination is required.


Contact us, we look forward to assisting you! We help you with:

  • General information on proposals for Major Instrumentation
  • Information based on your individual needs
  • Review of proposals
  • We arrange to have the proposal signed by the rector
  • We forward the proposal to the federal state
  • Inclusion of Dep. 4 for constructional aspects

Acquisition (Purchasing)

After approval we support you with the procurement.

  • Review and approval of the SRM order
  • Auditing
Avatar Schwarzkopf

Janna Schwarzkopf

zuständig für Vergaben oberhalb 25.000 € netto


After approval we support you all the way with the project management.

  • Requests for funds and controlling
  • Assistance with preparing the numerical section of the financial statement

Important Documents

Please prepare your proposal according to the DFG guidelines and use the provided proposal templates. On the DFG pages linked here, you will find all the required forms and guidelines, instructions and application templates.


Avatar Rothballer

Dr. Andrea Rothballer


Avatar Pinchetti

Luigi Pinchetti

Avatar Hahlen

Dr. Katrin Hahlen

Dipl. Biol.

See also

Bonn Technology Campus

The Core Facility of the University of Bonn provides extensive technologies.

Other DFG Programmes

We support you with all DFG applications.

Major Instrumentation in Research Buildings

Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (FTD)

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