Distinguished Professors Emeriti Appointments

Individual Funding

In a move to substantially advance the University’s internationalization agenda, the Rectorate is creating Distinguished Professors Emeriti positions for retired foreign academics, recruited, generally, for a two-year term to engage in research and teaching at the University of Bonn.

Distinguished Professors Emeriti Appointments

Individual Funding

In a move to substantially advance the University’s internationalization agenda, the Rectorate is creating Distinguished Professors Emeriti positions for retired foreign academics, recruited, generally, for a two-year term to engage in research and teaching at the University of Bonn.

Submission Deadline

No further call is planned.

Funding conditions

The University of Bonn is actively seeking to further internationalize its research, degree programs and teaching, and recruiting outstanding academics from abroad is a key part of these efforts.

The purpose of this call is to recruit retired international academics to work at the University of Bonn for, generally, a period of two years. Distinguished Professors Emeriti positions serve to enhance teaching in the degree programs and research in the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) at the University of Bonn, thus contributing to academic excellence and making the TRAs more international.

Distinguished professors of foreign nationality (Germans with dual citizenship are excluded) who are emeriti or have retired from their home university and enjoy international repute in their field. We particularly welcome the nomination of female candidates.

Distinguished Professors Emeriti are appointed by the Rectorate. The position includes:

  • A professorship with a pay package of €4,500 (before taxes and social security deductions). Distinguished Professors Emeriti usually receive a 2-year temporary employment contract with a one-year extension option
  • A one-time relocation allowance for the move to Bonn of up to €3,000 
  • Available funds of up to €500 per month (€6,000 per year) for conference travel and participation, materials, publication costs, wages of student assistants, etc.

The Welcome Center provides Distinguished Professors Emeriti special support for their transfer to the University of Bonn, especially with finding housing.

The minimum teaching requirement for the professorate position is 2 course units per week (a greater number may be requested in the application in coordination with the nominated candidate). Classes are to be taught in English; exceptions to this rule must be outlined and justified in the application.

We expect Distinguished Professors Emeriti to relocate to Bonn in order to take active part in academic life at the University of Bonn during the lecture period at least. In particular, these positions require active involvement in the University of Bonn’s Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs).

Hosts are required to provide Distinguished Professors Emeriti with sufficient office space, equipment, and administrative support, as well as contribute to a successful integration of their guests into academic life at the University of Bonn.

The Rectorate makes the hiring decision, approving a proposal submitted by an academic committee chaired by the Vice Rector for International Affairs and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation. 

  • The nominees’ outstanding academic expertise and strong international reputation
  • Close alignment of the nominee’s research interests with the Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) of the University of Bonn
  • A convincing concept regarding the integration of the visiting professor into teaching and research activities at the University of Bonn; if applicable, integration into excellence cluster initiatives and/ or third-party funds proposals

Professors of the University of Bonn. The application includes an (informal) statement of interest in the position by the invited professor.

For a starting date of the professorship on or before November 15, 2023: August 01, 2023
For a starting date of the professorship on April 01, 2024 or October 01, 2024: September 25, 2023

Please submit applications by email to: Dr. Christian Klöckner

  • Application document (PDF, max. 10 pages), including:
    1. Planned starting date and duration of the professorship
    2. A detailed outline of the candidate’s academic career and other achievements + publication list of the last 5 years (max. 5 pages)
    3. Teaching integration concept: Specification of the courses expected to be taught (in English) and the degree program/s to which they contribute (max. 1 page)
    4. Research integration concept: Describe the planned research project, outlining the connection to the Transdisciplinary Research Areas, Excellence Cluster Initiatives, and/ or Third-Party Funds Proposals (max. 4 pages)
    5. (Informal) statement of interest by the candidate nominated for the Distinguished Professors Emeriti position
  • CV of nominated academic


Avatar Klöckner

Dr. Christian Klöckner

Partnerships and International Researchers


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn (Germany)

Funded by the Federal and State Governments as part of the German Excellence Strategy

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