Events (Archiv)

Who will Pay my Pension some Day?1

As a researcher, you need mobility. You have to be flexible in moving between different countries in order to focus on your research interests and to pursue your individual career. When changing from one job to another, you are registered with several different pension schemes of all pillars. Therefore, questions about your pension arise because the issue is not easy to understand. This information event is designed to help you gain a better understanding of the pension system in Germany, your pension entitlements and refund opportunities. You will also learn how to find out about the various European pension sources and you will be introduced to the information portal “FindyourPension”. If you are interested in taking part in this event via zoom, please send an email to by January 24.

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Exhibition Visit: ‘Rome’s flowing frontiers’2

The vibrant and diverse society of the Rhineland was already a melting pot of cultures 2,000 years ago. The LVR State Museum in Bonn celebrates the diversity of the people and cultures along the Lower German Limes. How didthe soldiers in the fortresses and the people in the civilian settlements organise their domestic and work-related lives? What interactions took place between the people living on either side of the “waterboundary”? Fascinating finds and an interactive model of a Limes structure invite you to step back in time and discover more about life along the Lower German Limes.

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Income Tax in Germany3

German tax law is very complex. As an expatriate with a salaried employment in Germany you are subject to German taxation and may have many questions on how to benefit from filing a tax return, on matters of social security and employee benefits. We are glad to now be able to offer you a workshop covering these and other topics, such as taxation classes, double taxation agreements, deadlines, deductions, etc.

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Science, Private Economy, Public Service? Career Paths f Postdocs4

This intensive, two-part information event will give an overview of research institutions in Germany, the German university landscape, university structures and career opportunities for postdoc scientists. It consists of three parts, namely 1. Orientation: Career paths, options, priorities 2. Preparation: Personal profile, activities, skills, traits 3. Presentation: Application focus, components, phrasing

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Part 2: Career Paths for Postdocs5

This intensive, two-part information event will give an overview of research institutions in Germany, the German university landscape, university structures and career opportunities for postdoc scientists. It consists of three parts, namely 1. Orientation: Career paths, options, priorities 2. Preparation: Personal profile, activities, skills, traits 3. Presentation: Application focus, components, phrasing

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Welcome Center Hiking Tour6

A hiking tour for international researchers and their families in the beautiful natural surroundings of Bonn. If you would like to join, please send an email to before April 20th.

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Welcome Day for Newcomers7

During this event you will learn how the University of Bonn works and what is special about it. Furthermore, you will get to know the most relevant contacts in the first phase of your time here. In addition, you will have to opportunity to meet new colleagues outside your immediate work environment. What to expect • Welcome by university management • Short information (EN/DE) about the university, research, sustainability and the city of Bonn including the Rhineland region • Info-Café: presentation of service units (Personnel Development, Family Office, Research & Transfer, Healthy Campus & University Sports, University Teaching, Welcome Center and many more) • Guided tour through University Museum (EN/DE) • Campus Tour If you are interested in taking part in this event, please send an email to by May 25.

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Income Tax in Germany8

German tax law is very complex. As an expatriate with a salaried employment in Germany you are subject to German taxation and may have many questions on how to benefit from filing a tax return, on matters of social security and employee benefits. We are glad to now be able to offer you a workshop covering these and other topics, such as taxation classes, double taxation agreements, deadlines, deductions, etc.

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Visit at Campus Klein-Altendorf9

The Welcome Center invites intrernational researchers to visit the University of Bonn agricultural campus Klein-Altendorf. There will be a guided tour of the campus and a talk about the research in the field of sustainability taking place there. We will travel there by university coach and if you are interested in coming along, please send an email to by June 17.

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Excursion to World Heritage Site Brühl Palaces10

For 37 years, the Brühl Palaces Augustusburg and Falkenlust with their extensive gardens and park grounds are living witnesses of a glorious past and rank among Germany’s top palaces to visit. They are protected by the international “Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural heritage”. Let us take you back on a marvellous trip into the 18th century. Enjoy an outstanding destination target in North Rhine-Westphalia. Marvel at the splendour and treasures of Augustusburg Palace, retreat to Clemens Augustus’ Hunting Lodge Falkenlust and take a walk through the flowering gardens of Brühl palaces. If you, maybe with your partner and/or family, would like to take take part in this event, please register via by August 17.


Summer Reception for International Researchers11

We would like to invite you and your partners/families to our summer reception for international researchers at the University of Bonn in our glorious Botanical Gardens. Our guests will be welcomed by Vice Rector for International Affairs Prof. Dr. Birgit Münch and Director of Botanical Gardens Prof. Dr. Maximilian Weigend We invite you to meet colleagues from all over the world and enjoy a relaxed late summer evening with drinks and canapés. In addition, you will have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour of Botanical Gardens. Please register for this event before August 29, 2022 at We are looking forward to seeing you at Botanical Gardens!


Welcome Event for International Researchers12

This event is targeted to all international researchers (with or without work contract at Bonn University) who have recently started working or will soon start working with us. You will learn a few things about your new workplace – the university – and your new (temporary) home – Bonn. Please find information regarding registration below.


Hiking tour in the Ahr region CANCELLED due to bad weather13

The planned hiking tour in the Ahr Valley is not going to take place on October 15. We are looking for a new date and will announce this in due time.


Excursion to World Heritage Site Brühl Palaces14

For 37 years, the Brühl Palaces Augustusburg and Falkenlust with their extensive gardens and park grounds are living witnesses of a glorious past and rank among Germany’s top palaces to visit. They are protected by the international “Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural heritage”. Let us take you back on a marvellous trip into the 18th century. Enjoy an outstanding destination target in North Rhine-Westphalia. Marvel at the splendour and treasures of Augustusburg Palace, retreat to Clemens Augustus’ Hunting Lodge Falkenlust and take a walk through the flowering gardens of Brühl palaces. If you, maybe with your partner and/or family, would like to take take part in this event, please register via by August 17.


Visit to organ builder Klais in Bonn15

A guided tour around the workshop of the worldwide acclaimed organ builder Klais that has built concert hall organs all over the world since 1924, most recently the instrument for the brand new Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. If you are interested in joining, please let us know the number of persons you will be coming with by Monday November 21, 2022 via email to


Health Insurance in Germany16

This information event will give you all the important answers to questions relating to health insurance: What to do if I fall ill? What about doctor’s appointments for my kids? etc. You’ll be welcome to address all your questions to an expert from a health insurance company during a Q&A session. If you are interested in joining us, please let us know the number of persons you will be coming with by Friday November 11, 2022 via email to


End of Year Get-Together17

We want to celebrate the end of this year with you by coming together and enjoying some sweet German Christmas delicacies and maybe creating some seasonal decoration. You are welcome to bring your partners and children. If you are interested in joining us for this event, please indicate how many people you are coming with by writing to by December 2.


Research in Germany and Job Opportunities for Postdocs - Part 118

This information event will give an overview of research institutions in Germany, the German university landscape, university structures and career opportunities for postdoc scientists and takes places in two parts. The second part will be on Friday January 20, 2023. If you would like to take part in this event, please send an email to


Research in Germany and Job Opportunities for Postdocs - Part 219

This information event will give an overview of research institutions in Germany, the German university landscape, university structures and career opportunities for postdoc scientists and takes places in two parts. The first event will be on Friday January 13, 2023. If you would like to take part in this event, please send an email to


Tenants' Rights and Duties20

In this seminar an expert from the German tenants' association - Deutscher Mieterbund - will give you an overview of tenants' rights and duties in Germany. If you are renting an apartment this might help you in the dealings with your landlords and neighbors. Of course individual questions will be answered as well. To take part in this event please register with by March 14, we will then send the zoom link to you.


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