
Departing Bonn

We recommend that you allow sufficient time for your departure preparations. It sometimes takes more time than you think to cancel all your phone contracts, bank accounts, etc.. Whenever you have any questions, just contact the Welcome Center. We are glad to help!

We hope you will stay in touch with the University of Bonn by becoming a member of our global alumni network, benefiting from special offers for international research alums.

Employees of the University of Bonn are required to inform their health insurance provider about the associated occupational change.

  • It is important to remember to promptly terminate your lease and various contracts. Review your contracts carefully to take note of applicable notice periods and any termination-related consequences.
  • You have to register your new place of residence with the residency authority at the Citizens Service Center at your new place of residence within 14 days of moving there.
  • If you hold a residence permit, make sure you know when it expires. To request an extension please contact the Immigration Office.
  • If you are leaving Germany you have to deregister as a resident at the Citizens' Service Center.
  • It is important to notify your health insurer that you will no longer be living in Germany. You will then be informed of what documents are required for confirmation and closing your insurance account.
  • It is also important that you close your account at your local bank to ensure that you do not incur any further account fees.
  • Your lease and any other contracts you are under have to be terminated as well. Sometimes contracts can be terminated on an early basis if you provide proof that you are leaving the country. Please contact your service provider in good time to discuss the available options.
  • Under certain circumstances you may be eligible to have your contributions to the statutory pension scheme refunded, please contact the competent authority Deutsche Rentenversicherung to inquire.

Special offers for International research alumni

The University of Bonn has special offers in place aimed at maintaining contact with international research alums, further promoting young researchers and continuing cooperation with academic partners.

University alumni network

Become a member of the worldwide alumni network of the University of Bonn, to remain an active member of the University community.


Avatar Greis-Mills

Jessica Greis-Mills


Poppelsdorfer Allee 102

53115 Bonn

Wird geladen