The University of Bonn Excellence in Teaching Strategy
The University of Bonn moved in 2018 to implement an inter-faculty process for the strategic further orientation of studying and teaching. Based on a critical reflection of the newly-established status quo realized within the scope of the Quality Pact for Teaching, the university management invited all the relevant stakeholders to a series of three strategy meetings focusing on the University of Bonn Excellence in Teaching Strategy. This gathering identified the issues of teaching culture, degree program concepts, individual potential and the internationality of teaching as key concepts in the development of a strategy for excellent teaching. Following these meetings, the process was continued by a number of inter-faculty expert teams, convened to identify the key fields of operation and establish the fundamental objectives of studying and teaching. The Mission Statement for Studying and Teaching adopted by the Rectorate and Faculties’ Conference in 2019 and the ten principles seeking to give concrete expression to its aims, represent the consensus of the University of Bonn on the future of teaching and studying and acts as a set of guidelines for all policy geared towards its realization.
This process views a critical engagement with the potential and benefits of digital and digitally-assisted teaching not as a separate sphere of action, but was identified as an issue of overarching significance, to be embedded in all areas of strategy. The emergence of digitalization as an integral component of the modern knowledge society has radical implications for the learning and teaching environment of the University of Bonn.
The principles guiding the future of teaching provided at the University of Bonn and the central findings of the working groups represents the common foundation for all current and future projects and initiatives focusing on the development of studying and teaching at the University. In particular,
- this involves the project for internal system accreditation4,
- the extension of the instruments and processes of quality management5,
- the diversity audit and its successor processes6 and
- the development of an internal strategic fund for studying and teaching.7
Workshoptag in Bad Honnef innerhalb des Strategieprozesses (2018)
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