Co-Working for Founders
Co-working is not just "working". The "Co" stands for networking and making contacts. Here, emphasis is placed on an open, accessible atmosphere to promote communication between a wide range of disciplines and industries. It is precisely these discussions in the coffee kitchen that help with current problems. In the co-working space, you can easily network with other start-ups and share concentrated knowledge through networking, events and workshops.
Help from other co-workers is just one of the benefits of working together in shared office space. The fact that the equipment in a co-working space is used by many people means that each individual can not only save money, but also protect the environment. Co-working also offers flexible workspaces in terms of time and space, so you can quickly expand your team. And the complete office infrastructure for working is already in place, so you can get started straight away.

Offices in the Transfer Center
Starting a start-up project? Why not try out an office in a co-working space? There are offices at Brühler Straße 7 in Bonn that can be used when applying for funding in the pre-start-up phase, e.g. EXIST. The start-up consultancy at enaCom supports these projects on the way to setting up a company with a wide range of coaching services and is right next door to you in the co-working space. We offer fully furnished offices, a coffee kitchen and large meeting rooms.
Brühler Straße 7, 53119 Bonn, first floor

Seats in the Digihub
In addition to the offices in the Transfer Center enaCom, the university is using new co-working spaces together with the Digital Hub Bonn in a central location in Bonn opposite the main train station. On around 1000 square meters, there are 30 spaces for Uni Bonn start-ups in the post-foundation phase. The teams have access to Wi-Fi and workstations with screens and keyboards. There are also telephone boxes, meeting rooms and event areas for shared use.
Am Hauptbahnhof 6, 53111 Bonn

The co-working labs offer laboratory space equipped with state-of-the-art technology for start-up teams. Anyone wishing to further develop their research results for planned commercialization can prepare products for market launch here using the latest equipment and in exchange with other scientists with an affinity for start-ups. Both young scientists and graduates can apply for the places.
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1, 53121 Bonn
co-working spaces at the Urban Soul
start-up teams in Brühler Straße
square meters in Urban Soul
Alexander von Pidoll
Also read
Start-up Stories
Our start-up stories let you read about relevant areas of start-up development and inspiring founder stories.
Start-up Events
enaCom organizes a variety of events to provide information and promote mutual exchange.
The enaCom coaching team uses your project outline to help, for example, with questions about funding.