EXIST Women at University of Bonn
Intensive support on your path to becoming a female founder - this is offered by a program from the Transfer Center enaCom funded by ‘EXIST Women’ from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. Up to 10 women interested in starting a business receive specific qualifications, individual coaching, dialogue with mentors and access to an exclusive network. And best of all, there is also a grant totalling up to 9,000 euros for three months. The first two groups at the University of Bonn started at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2025.

We welcome the new group!
The University of Bonn is starting the second round of the EXIST Women program and welcomed the new scholarship holders at the kick-off event in February. The Transfer Center enaCom will support them for nine months with an intensive workshop and mentoring program as well as many networking opportunities. The 13 participants come from various faculties at the university and want to use the program to take the step towards founding their own company.
Who can participate?
The following members of the University of Bonn: female graduates, female scientists, female students from the second half of their bachelor's degree. Women with a professional degree and a connection to the University of Bonn.
Applications are possible with or without a start-up idea. What counts is your motivation, your creativity and your innovative strength.
The program is open to all topics and technologies. It doesn't matter if it is about high-tech, service or social innovation: All ideas and disciplines are welcome.
Please note: The foundation of a corporation and/or the start of business activities must not have already taken place before the start of participation. Women who have already received EXIST Women funding in the past are not eligible to apply.
Why should you participate?
9-month accompanying program
In our 9-month accompanying program (partly in German), you will receive comprehensive expertise relevant to founding a company. This includes workshops in the areas of personal development, idea generation, prototyping, validation, market analysis, business models, and networking. You will go through all stages: from the mere idea of becoming a founder to the finished product or service with the corresponding validation.
Admission to the EXIST-Women program is a prerequisite for the scholarship.
3 months scholarship
You will receive up to 3 months of financial support through the EXIST-Women scholarship:
Monthly 1000,- € for female students in the 2nd half of their studies.
Monthly 2000,- € for women with completed vocational training.
Monthly 2500,- € for female graduates.
Monthly 3000,- € for women with a doctorate.
Condition: A simultaneous combination of the scholarship with another scholarship, active employment over 20 hours per week or a support program to finance the livelihood of the founders is not possible.
We will put you in touch with experienced experts and give you exclusive and personal advice.
You form a selected network with other participants and benefit from their knowledge and experience.
2,000 euros for material resources
In addition to the scholarship, you will receive a one-time grant of € 2000 for materials (participation fees for events, travel expenses, coaching) to finance your project.
Workplace in a Co-Working Space
You can take advantage of a Co-Working workspace through the Transfer Center enaCom of the University of Bonn.

Closing Ceremony 2024
"Women's networks provide that special support and energy for prospective female founders," said Özlem Doger-Herter, founder and coach, at the closing ceremony for the first cohort of the EXIST Women program from the Transfer Center enaCom, that took place on December 3rd, 2024 at DIGITALHUB.

The participants from 2023/24
The first round of EXIST Women started in 2023 with 16 participants from the University of Bonn. The Transfer Centre enaCom supported the women over the course of a year with workshops, mentoring, networking and, in some cases, financial support on their way to founding a company.

Information on the funding line
EXIST-Women gives women at participating universities who are interested in setting up a business and have an affinity for entrepreneurship the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topics of setting up a business and self-employment at an early stage. EXIST Women is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection.
Anna Villwock

- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/forschung-lehre/transfercenter-enacom/exist-women-startet-in-die-naechste-runde
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/transfer-center-enacom/news-folder/gruenderinnen-starten-mit-exist-women-durch
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/research-and-teaching/transfer-center-enacom/news-folder/erste-exist-women-teilnehmerinnen-starten-an-der-uni-bonn?set_language=en
- https://www.exist.de/EXIST/Navigation/DE/Gruendungsfoerderung/EXIST-WOMEN/FAQ/faq.html