24. June 2024

To turn researchers into sciencepreneurs To turn researchers into sciencepreneurs

The Transfer Center enaCom assists scientists with its specific start-up support services. Among other things, the "Research2UseCase-Canvas" helps to bridge the gap between research projects and potential use cases. For this continuous focus on sciencepreneurship, i.e. the start-up spirit in science and research, the Transfer Center has once again been awarded the "Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus" certificate.

Das Research2useCase-Canvas
Das Research2useCase-Canvas © enaCom/Uni Bonn
Download all images in original size The impression in connection with the service is free, while the image specified author is mentioned.

Building on a range of experiences from advising scientists, the start-up coaches from the Transfer Center enaCom have developed and tested their own tool. The Research2UseCase-Canvas was developed in cooperation with the "Young Entrepreneurs in Science" (YES) initiative and is specifically geared towards the needs of researchers and focuses on their starting position. "Many scientists naturally think in terms of research projects and less in terms of possible applications in practice, such as commercialization options," says start-up consultant Vesna Domuz.

And this is precisely where the Research2UseCase canvas comes in. The consulting tool helps to bridge the gap between research projects and potential use cases. What practical applications, e.g. products or services, can be derived from the scientific findings and innovations? Who could be potential customers? What added value does the product or service offer a customer? Working with the canvas is embedded in a structured coaching process in which the options are discussed and concretized together. An initial vague business idea is checked for feasibility and profitability and validated. If it is also interesting for a potential market, it can be developed into a robust business concept that can be used to acquire funding and investments. "In this process, the researchers discover their own entrepreneurial thinking and actions together with us and thus embark on the path to becoming a sciencepreneur. We at the start-up consultancy provide support and guidance with our range of workshops and individual coaching sessions," explains Vesna Domuz.

Another award from YES

The Transfer Center has once again been awarded the "Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus" certificate for its commitment to more entrepreneurial spirit in science and research. Fulfilling the quality criteria proves that the desired close link between research and transfer is being successfully and sustainably promoted. "We are delighted that the University of Bonn has once again been awarded the YES certificate. Since 2021, the Transfer Center enaCom has been addressing young researchers in particular with specific start-up support services. With YES, we have a central partner for professional exchange and implementation in the field of science entrepreneurship," says Sandra Speer, Head of the Transfer Center enaCom.

"Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus" is a certificate developed by the Falling Walls Foundation. In order for a university to receive the YES Campus certificate, it must meet certain requirements and comply with quality standards, which are reviewed annually. The Young Entrepreneurs in Science continuing education program is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Uni Bonn ist Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus
Uni Bonn ist Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus © YES

Donnerstag, 04.07.2024 12:30 Uhr


Montag, 05.08.2024 - Freitag, 09.08.2024


Dienstag, 27.08.2024 10:00 Uhr


Donnerstag, 05.09.2024 09:00 Uhr


Vesna Domuz

Start-up Coach, Transfer Center enaCom
 +49 0228 73-62008

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