09. July 2024

Find your co-founders: Wanted? Found them! Founded 🚀 Find your co-founders: Wanted? Found them! Founded 🚀

Access to co-founder matching platform

Do you have an innovative idea and are looking for co-founders for your start-up? Or do you feel the founding spirit but are still looking for a project to get involved in? On the FoundFactory platform, idea providers and people interested in founding a company are matched precisely. Starting in July, the Transfer Center enaCom is offering all members of the University of Bonn free access to FoundFactory services for one year. As a special feature not only professional interests but also personal characteristics are taken into account, so you can be sure to find your dream team for a successful start-up.

Start-up Dream Team
Start-up Dream Team © colourbox
Download all images in original size The impression in connection with the service is free, while the image specified author is mentioned.

"Very often, the ability to work together as a team - even in difficult times - determines the future of a start-up. After all, the wrong team is one of the three most common reasons for the failure of a young company," explains Sandra Speer, Head of the Transfer Center enaCom. "Our advice is always to make sure that the team has a variety of talents and that core areas such as business development, product development, marketing and finance can be covered by the team." But the start-up consultants also know that this is not always so easy. Melissa Günther, founder of the start-up FoundFactory, explains: "Best friends are not always the best business partners and an outside perspective often helps when choosing a partner. That's why we've been offering our exclusive matching service since 2021."

"We are very pleased that our cooperation with FoundFactory enables us to provide even more support to people interested in founding a company at the University of Bonn in finding a team. The personal level should not be underestimated, because similar values and a shared understanding of work are also key aspects for a successful team," says Dennis Daseking, Deputy Head of the Transfer Center enaCom.

FoundFactory is a matching platform: you fill out a questionnaire and with the help of a special algorithm you receive suggestions of people who are a good fit for you. Together you can get started with your own start-up project. Members of the University of Bonn (students, researchers, employees, alumni) can use the platform free of charge to find potential co-founders within and outside their own university. Register at FoundFactory, enter the University of Bonn as your university and follow the registration process.

Register now on the FoundFactory website

Dennis Daseking

Deputy Head of Transfer Center enaCom
+49 228 73-62011

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