RecaCap refines blood measurement
The novel "RecaCap" is designed as an attachment for syringes to measure skin blood flow. "With RecaCap, we are replacing the previously predominant "fingernail test" for measuring skin blood flow and achieve much more precise results," explains Lukas Overkott from the Department of Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics at Bonn University Hospital. He has been working in the team with physicians Max Luckmann and Felix Klingebiel as well as Moritz Breuer (VWL) for quite some time: "Since we won two prizes at the NUK business plan competition in 2021 and are being supported by the Transfer Center enaCom, we are sure that we can successfully offer our products on the market. The funding enables us to take the next steps to market readiness," says Overkott.
Vessels from the 3D printer
PD Dr. Valentin Schäfer's team is using high-resolution 3D printing to develop models of vessels, joints or even fetuses for ultrasound training of students and physicians. With these models, patient-independent training is possible for the first time, as the models are very close to reality. Starting with rheumatology and gynecology, the technology is to be extended to other specialties of internal medicine and also surgery. The project grew out of the interdisciplinary working group "3D Printing in Medical Education (3D-PriME)" at Bonn University Hospital. In addition to PD Dr. Schäfer, Head of the Section for Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Florian Recker, MD, Dr. Claus-Jürgen Bauer and Tobias Schremmer form the core team of the working group.
Mobile app for sports medicine
Under the title "Telemonitoring: Digitization of Sports Medicine Care", PhD student Maximilian Kapsecker and Prof. Dr. Stephan Jonas, Head of the Institute of Digital Medicine, are developing a mobile training platform for patients and physicians in cooperation with the Sports Medicine Department of the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Munich (headed by Prof. Martin Halle). In the interdisciplinary project of medical computer scientists and sports physicians, a combination of app and dashboard was developed, which telemedically supports the continuous care as well as the professional monitoring of sports programs for patients or athletes. The system can be used to create personalized training plans, record and analyze training-related parameters, and provide individualized feedback.
Asthma newly diagnosed
A new diagnostic procedure for severe asthma is being developed by the team led by PD Dr. Gudrun Ulrich-Merzenich1, head of the Synergy Research and Experimental Medicine2 group at Bonn University Hospital. With their asthma endotyping test platform, asthma patients can be examined and classified more precisely. This diagnostic tool is intended to support physicians in the use of targeted antibody therapy in treatment. The development team includes Prof. Dirk Skowasch, PD. Carmen Pizarro, Anastasiia Shcherbakowa and Bernd Merzenich.
Funding via the Transfer Center
"We are very impressed by the high quality of the submitted entries and are pleased to support these selected, high-caliber prototyping projects. Our start-up coaches will support the projects with the further steps towards market launch," explains Sandra Speer, Head of the Transfer Center enaCom. The prototyping grants are tendered by the Transfer Center enaCom and financed by the ESC individual project "U-Bo-Grow" of the University of Bonn. They are funded by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy (MWIKE) of North Rhine-Westphalia. The next application deadline for members of the University of Bonn is October 15, 2022.