Dare to do more

Taking Two Degree Programs in Parallel

The University of Bonn allows you to take up a second degree program alongside your first, provided that only one of them restricts admission in the program-related semester for which you would like to enroll. This applies regardless of whether you are considering combining two undergraduate or two postgraduate degree programs. You will be able to obtain a qualification in and graduate from both programs.The University of Bonn allows you to take up a second degree program alongside your first, provided that only one of them restricts admission in the program-related semester for which you would like to enroll. This applies regardless of whether you are considering combining two undergraduate or two postgraduate degree programs. You will be able to obtain a qualification in and graduate from both programs.

Please bear in mind that a degree program is designed to give students a sufficient challenge on its own. Taking two programs simultaneously means twice the workload. If you are contemplating pursuing two degree programs, we would recommend doing some careful planning and organization before and during your studies. You would be well advised to contact the relevant subject-specific study advisory services1, not least to coordinate your timetable. It can also be useful to seek advice from the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service2.


Degree programs with restricted admission have to be applied for in the same way as your first degree program. The only thing to remember is to indicate your existing student status in your application. Please make use of our Application Guide3.

This web page4 contains information on enrolling on an additional degree program.

There are no additional costs for taking two degree programs in parallel.

If you are pursuing two degree programs simultaneously, your funding will always be tied to a specific one of your programs and/or your achieving its study objectives. This means that, if you start both programs at the same time, you will receive funding based on the length or standard period of study for the one you have identified as your “reference program,” even if you ultimately need longer for your other one.
Embarking on an additional degree program (e.g. taking up biology) during your first or second program-related semester (e.g. the second program-related semester of a physics degree program) can be considered a change of subject. This allows you to switch your reference program (from physics to biology; for the length of the biology degree program you have just started). Even if the University does not regard your additional degree program as constituting a change of subject, the BAföG Office might disagree. This will depend on the certificate of enrollment that you submit.

The procedure and the recognition requirements will always need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the documents to hand. Please contact the BAföG Office5 in this regard.


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