Academic Orientation Walk
Are you a student in your final years at high school who is wondering whether they would like to go to university and what to study? And, if so, what subjects the University of Bonn even teaches? And are you also keen to get an idea of what the University’s like – ideally live and up close? Then we have something suitable for you: on a walk from the University’s main building to the Poppelsdorf Campus, we will give you a brief “glimpse from the outside” into the University of Bonn and tell you about your study options and potential subjects in a series of short chats. There will also be some useful tips on applying and admissions, on getting funding and support for your studies and on finding student accommodation. In addition, you’ll have ample opportunity to ask your own questions as we walk from one campus to the other.
Max. number of participants: 15
Registration and target group
Target group: high school students in their final years
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Contact information
Dr. Lena Ruwoldt-Schwerin
(derzeit in Mutterschutz)
See also
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service workshops and coaching
If you don’t yet know what you want to study and are looking for guidance and useful tools to help you make a decision, we have the right workshops for you.
Student orientation and getting to know the University of Bonn
The University of Bonn offers diverse orientation opportunities for school students of various ages. Our programs cover the full range from children’s university and science races to university-preparatory events.
Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB) is the University’s first contact point for all questions around studying. We provide information and guidance to (prospective) students in all matters related to choosing a degree program, getting started at university and managing their studies.