
Master’s or no Master’s: What’s Next After the Bachelor’s?

You are nearing the end of your bachelor’s studies. You may be grappling with these questions: What do I want to do with my bachelor’s, and what are my options? Should I continue with a master’s degree or start working right away? Is a master’s degree worth the investment for me? Which type of master’s do I want to pursue? Should I continue straight into the master’s degree or take a break from my studies first? Aside from pursuing a master’s degree or starting a career, what other options do I have after earning my bachelor’s degree? This workshop provides you with an overview of the various options you have after you finish your bachelor’s degree. The goal is to empower you to make an informed decision for or against pursuing a master’s degree.

Registration and target group

Target group

Bachelor’s degree students in higher program-related semesters (fourth semester and higher)


Aktuelle Termine - Master oder nicht Master: Was kommt nach dem Bachelor?
Master oder nicht Master: Was kommt nach dem Bachelor?2
Online (Zoom)
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Ihr Bachelorstudium nähert sich dem Ende. Stehen Sie vielleicht vor folgenden Fragen: Was kann und will ich mit meinem Bachelor machen? Soll ich direkt in den ...


“Master’s or no master’s? Even though I knew that the only person who could answer that question was me, I still signed up to the workshop full of hope that I’d be shown a solution. And I found this answer within myself, thanks to the guided encouragement that we got to self-reflect after the workshop. A trusting atmosphere, great workshop leaders and space for you to make your own suggestions! I can’t recommend the workshop highly enough to other people.”
(Translated quote: Bachelor’s student of German-French Studies)

“The workshop also made me see that a master’s degree could be useful to me. The question of whether I will regret not having completed a master’s degree in five years from now helps me in making a decision.” (Translated quote: Politics bachelor’s student)

Contact information

Avatar Förster

Britta Förster

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
Avatar Bohne

Dr. Anke Bohne

Career Service

See also

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB) provides guidance and support for students in periods of academic re-orientation and when experiencing doubts about their studies or personal problems.


Career Service

The Career Service supports students of the University of Bonn with career orientation and planning and offers advice on career orientation and job application strategies.


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