Study advice and counseling

We know the facts and provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on academic programs, application procedures, admission and enrollment, study financing and other general issues concerning your studies. We offer professional and impartial consultations for students facing a difficult decision or crisis.

The aim of all our consultations is to support and strengthen your autonomy, empower you as a person and provide the best possible guidance during your decision-making process. We always strive to provide individual support tailored to the need of students.

Brief consultations/front office

Your first contact point is our front office, which provides information and brief consultations during opening hours and phone consultation hours without prior registration. You can also make an appointment for individual consultations1 here. If you want to get a copy of our “Studienkompass” or other information material on studying in Bonn, you will find these in our front office or in the info box outside of Poppelsdorfer Allee 49.

© Volker Lannert

Office hours and brief consultations via phone

Brief consultations via phone

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
8:30 am to 10:30 am
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
9:30 am to noon
1:30 pm to 4 pm

Wednesday and Friday Closed

Avatar Keil

Angela-Maren Keil

Poppelsdorfer Allee 49

53115 Bonn, Germany

Individual consultations

For individual consultations, please make an appointment so that we can plan in time for an in-depth discussion with you (in person, via phone or online2). You can request an appointment via online form, phone or in person at our front office.

Studierender wird von einer Beraterin beraten. Beide sitzen an einem Tisch auf dem Beratungsmaterialien liegen.
© Bernadett Yehdou

Open office hours

© Yehdou, Uni Bonn

Doubts about your studies

Students having doubts about their studies can drop in anonymously during our office hours or arrange a telephone consultation with the Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service or the Employment Agency.

Wochen der Studienorientierung
© Bernadett Yehdouu | Uni Bonn

Student Orientation Weeks

The Student Orientation Weeks, which are always held at the start of the year, give schoolchildren the opportunity to obtain specific advice and find out about studying live and up close, with no appointment necessary.

© Volker Lannert

Office hours about starting your studies

If you have any questions about starting your studies in the winter semester or would like to talk about something that has been bothering you, we will listen and are more than happy to give you impartial, confidential and individual advice without any preconceived ideas about the outcome. We would be glad to support you and help you find the right people to talk to within our counseling network.

Online consultations

Individual consultations can also be held online, of course. We have compiled a few useful hints and tips for making online consultations successful:

We use Zoom videoconferencing software for our online consultations. After making an appointment, you will receive an email from your advisor containing an invitation with the Zoom login information. To attend the online meeting, click on the link in the email and enter your Meeting ID and password.

If this is your first time using Zoom, you will first need to install the Zoom client on your device (laptop, PC, tablet or smartphone). Please make sure to install the client prior to the meeting (you can do this at any time and do not need to have a meeting scheduled).

You will definitely need speakers/headphones and a microphone. If you want to use the video functionality, you will also need a camera. Please test your audio and video equipment before entering the meeting. Your counselor will be visible to you via video during the online consultation. It is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to be visible yourself or whether you just want to use the microphone.

Prior to the online consultation, have pen and paper ready so that you can take notes during the meeting.

Desktop PCs or tablets are better suited for online consultations than smartphones because it is easier to view shared content on a larger screen or display.

These recommendations provide you with a short overview on sensible measures for protecting your data and the personal data of third parties to the greatest possible extent.

  • Participation is voluntary.
  • Confidential information, in particular personal data on third parties, may not be shared during the online consultation. The same applies when using the integrated chat function.
  • Camera settings should always be chosen so as to ensure that no confidential information is visible in the background.
  • If you have anyone else with you who cannot be seen on your screen, you must make the counselor aware of their presence.
  • When using the “share screen” function, no confidential information, in particular personal information, about third parties must become visible. Participants are not permitted to take screenshots.
  • Consultations may not be recorded.

Zoom is a videoconferencing tool from a US provider. When using Zoom, personal data is inevitably collected and passed on to the provider and to third parties. You can find an overview of what data this actually relates to here:

More information

Psychological counseling

In personal meetings, you can obtain counseling—including preventive advice—regarding psychological concerns, insecurities or problems that can have a negative impact on your quality of life or academic success.


We regularly put on workshops on issues related to your studies and on fine-tuning your personal study skills.

Events and fairs

In cooperation with the departments and other partners, we offer events for various target groups on a regular basis. On campus, off campus and online.

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