Study orientation in a sprint

Study orientation workshop

In our two-hour study orientation workshop, participants explore various questions to help them decide what and where to study. Working in small groups, schoolchildren and advisors at the University of Bonn get together to discuss possible orientation activities that can help them make comprehensive decisions about their studies. Aside from exchanging helpful information, the workshop also includes conversations that encourage participants to reflect on their own abilities, interests and aspirations.

What can you expect?
After a short introduction, we will take turns working individually and in groups on various tasks to reflect on your own abilities and interests. In addition, the range of courses offered by the University of Bonn can serve as an example for researching information and the factors to be considered for a course of study.

Registration and target group

Target group: high school students in their final years

Language of instruction: German

Contact information

Avatar Habermann

Ina Habermann

Avatar Herrmann

Kathrin Herrmann

Avatar Ruwoldt-Schwerin

Dr. Lena Ruwoldt-Schwerin

(derzeit in Elternzeit)

See also

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service workshops and coaching

If you don’t yet know what you want to study and are looking for guidance and useful tools to help you make a decision, we have the right workshops for you.

Student orientation and getting to know the University of Bonn

The University of Bonn offers diverse orientation opportunities for school students of various ages. Our programs cover the full range from children’s university and science races to university-preparatory events. 

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service

The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (ZSB) is the University’s first contact point for all questions around studying. We provide information and guidance to (prospective) students in all matters related to choosing a degree program, getting started at university and managing their studies.

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