Study more successfully.
Workshop series „Push through your studies“

Good Bye Stress!—Completing Your Studies with Power and Resilience

“I would like to be less stressed and pay more attention to my well-being!” If you find that your to-do list is getting ever-longer; the tasks on it are getting on top of you and you wished that there were more than 24 hours in a day, then it's time to take a break. In three sessions, this workshop shows you how to study hard whilst remaining calm and healthy. Use the intervening periods between the sessions to apply what you have learned and see how it makes you more effective. Talking to your group peers will improve your motivation and give you the encouragement to keep at it.

Registration and target group

Target group:

Antje Weisgerber

Workshop contents

  • Learn about stress management techniques (e.g. breathing, mindfulness and relaxation exercises, self-organization, time management and prioritization)
  • Identify your personal stress factors
  • Discover your inner strength
  • Learn resilience
  • Draw up a personal self-care plan
  • Plan the integration of what you have learned in your routine
© Techniker Krankenkasse


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