Besides BAföG, scholarships are a key component of student finance. They are particularly attractive as they are a form of study support that does not usually need to be paid back. Unlike BAföG, which is granted to everyone who is entitled to and asks for it, nobody has a legal right to a scholarship. As the number of scholarships is limited, they need to be applied for in a competitive process.
A scholarship, for me?
Many current and prospective students believe right from the start that they would not stand a chance with an application because of their grades. However, academic performance is not the only selection criterion. In particular, scholarship providers look for social commitment as well. As well as achievements and engagement, qualities such as motivation, communication skills, social skills and a broad range of interests also feed into the selection process.
What is always important, however, is the fit. Apply to a foundation that is a good fit for you and whose values you share. You can find out which foundations prize which values from their websites or information flyers, for example.
There are more than 1,000 different scholarships with all manners of different funding arrangements. You are welcome to use databases like stipendiumplus.de1 to search for scholarships that will suit you.

Scholarships from the University of Bonn
The University of Bonn Foundation supports various projects as well as exceptionally talented students and early-career researchers who can boast outstanding achievements.
Deutschlandstipendium scholarship
The University of Bonn Foundation is in charge of awarding and administering the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, which is geared toward providing long-term support to particularly gifted and responsible students. Funding is for one academic year and always starts on October 1. Each scholarship recipient is given EUR 300 a month (EUR 3,600 per year). Applications are always made in spring.
Ließem scholarship
The University of Bonn Foundation also offers the Ließem scholarship, which supports especially talented students who have lived in the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg region for at least five years, will not be older than 27 when their funding starts and are considered to be in need. Each scholarship recipient is paid EUR 300 a month (EUR 3,600 per year). Funding under the Ließem scholarship starts on January 1 and lasts for one calendar year. Applications can be submitted at any time of the year up to October 31.
Organizations for the promotion of young talent
The 13 organizations for the promotion of young talent that are supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provide financial and non-material support. Their funding generally comprises a monthly non-income-related allowance for study expenses. In addition, there are scholarships that, like BAföG, are determined by the income of a student’s parents – although these do not need to be repaid. Financial subsidies are also available for studying, internships, language courses, clinical traineeships, etc. in another country.
You can find details of the application and selection processes as well as funding criteria and volumes on the relevant websites of the organizations for the promotion of young talent.
Organizations for the promotion of young talent
Organization for the promotion of young Muslim talent
Episcopal study support scheme of the Roman Catholic Church
Organization for the promotion of young Jewish talent
Protestant Church organization for the promotion of young talent
Organization for the promotion of young talent associated with the SPD
Organization for the promotion of young talent associated with the FDP
Organization for the promotion of young talent associated with the CSU
Studienförderungswerk des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes
Dem Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen nahestehendes Begabtenförderwerk
Der CDU nahestehendes Begabtenförderwerk
Der Partei DIE LINKE nahestehendes Begabtenförderwerk
Bildungsstiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Politisch, konfessionell und weltanschaulich unabhängiges Begabtenförderwerk unter Schirmherrschaft des Bundespräsidenten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Scholarships for international students
On its website, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides a comprehensive database with some 200 different scholarships for prospective and enrolled students from outside Germany.
Besides the organizations for the promotion of young talent, there are many other foundations, organizations and companies that offer support to students. Here are a few examples:
Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
This fund represents nearly 300 private foundations that pay subsidies, book allowances and similar but do not award full scholarships.
The Aufstiegsstipendium scholarship helps dedicated professionals with vocational qualifications and practical experience complete their first university degree.
Contact information
See also
BAföG is a form of educational assistance that is made up 50/50 of an interest-free loan and a government subsidy.
Monthly payments during or in the final stages of a degree can be financed via student and education loans granted on favorable terms.
Working while studying
Earn money and gain real-life experience – a part-time job is a welcome help for many students.