2022/23 funding period
No fewer than 192 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships were awarded at the University of Bonn at the beginning of the 2022/23 funding period on October 1, 2022. We are delighted to have been able to get the new funding year off to such a successful start thanks to the support of our many sponsors.
This page has details of all the activities associated with the funding period.
We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support in the 2022/23 funding period!
- Alumni-Network of the University of Bonn
- Dr. Wolfgang Alberth
- Markus Eckert
- Stefanie Eckstein
- G 2000 Handel GmbH - Bassam Doukmak
- Margarete Gräfin von Schwerin
- Peter Hartmann
- Dana Müller
- Dr. Nina Opitz
- Silke Palm
- Professor Dr. med. Hansjürgen Piechota
- Albrecht Roloff
- Thomas Rox
- Fatima Zahra Samorah
- Karin Schuler
- Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Schüttler
- Thomas Spernat
- Dipl.-Psych. Anne Storch
- Dr. Frederika Tsai
- Hans Kurt v. Wilmowsky
- Dr. Ludger Vonnahme
- Mats Lukas Wiese
- and other members of the Alumni-Network
- Anton-Betz-Stiftung der Rheinischen Post e.V.
- apoBank-Stiftung
- BBBank Stiftung
- Bonner Medien-Club e.V.
- Bonner Universitätsstiftung
- Corteva Agriscience Germany GmbH
- d-fine GmbH
- DGRV - Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e. V.
- Droege Group AG
- DZ Bank-Stiftung
- Dr. Johannes Fetsch
- Förderstiftung Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
- GdF-Knapp Stiftung
- Alexandra Gräfin Lambsdorff
- Klaus-Christian Hilbert
- innovas GmbH
- Jörg-Bewersdorff-Stiftung
- Dr. Carl-Christian Knobbe
- Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
- MEYER-KÖRING Rechtsanwälte | Steuerberater Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
- miteinander füreinander, Stiftung der Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
- Dr. Volker Priebe
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Adolf Jöhr-Stiftungsfonds
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Lessenich-Stiftungsfonds
- QuantCo Deutschland GmbH
- Renate und Karlheinz Schmidt-Stiftung
- Santander Universitäten
- Stadtwerke Bonn GmbH
- Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn Rhein-Sieg
- Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn
- Stiftung Zukunft Jetzt!
- Studienstiftung Markomannia-Franco-Guestphalia
- Theodor Brinkmann-Stiftung e. V.
- Umfragezentrum Bonn - Prof. Rudinger GmbH: Gesellschaft für empirische Sozialforschung und Evaluation
- Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn – Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e. V.
- Dr. Sascha O. Becker
- Dr. Anneliese Bohn
- Dr. Johannes Brauers
- Carl Knauber Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Jürgen Heinen
- Anselm Martin Hoffmeister
- Dr. Günther Horzetzky
- IVG-Stiftung
- Dr. David Klein
- Professor Dr. Dr. Bernhard Korte
- Dr. Jakob Ley
- Professor Dr. Thomas Mueller-Thuns
- Ortrud Parry
- Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff und Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
- Professor Dr. Gernot Michael Müller und Silvia Biagioli
- Professor Dr. Ulrich Pfeifer
- Dr. Wolfgang Riedel
- Fatima Zahra Samorah
- Margit Schlengermann
- Dr. med. Matthias Schlochtermeier
- Dr. Rüdiger von Stengel
- Dr. Doris Walch-Paul
- Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
- and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn – Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
- Dr. Miriam Zago und Alexis Jeremias
- zfm - Zentrum für Management- und Personalberatung, Edmund Mastiaux & Partner
Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.
Scholarships in the 2022/23 funding period
Sponsors in the 2022/23 funding period
Certificate presentation ceremony on October 20, 2022
Following a three-year enforced break due to COVID-19, Deutschlandstipendium scholarship certificates could finally be presented in person once again on October 20. Scholarship recipients and sponsors came together in the main auditorium at the University of Bonn for the ceremony.
Second scholarship recipients’ meeting on May 16, 2023
We had the honor of welcoming recipients and sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship to the Arithmeum at the University of Bonn for the second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2022/23 funding period on May 16, 2023.
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You can find more testimonials about the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship here.
Providing support
If you would like to support the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the University of Bonn, you will find information on how to do so here.
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/studium/beratung-und-service/finanzierung-und-foerderung/deutschlandstipendium/aktuelles/urkundenverleihung-der-foerderperiode-2022-23
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/studium/beratung-und-service/finanzierung-und-foerderung/deutschlandstipendium/aktuelles/gefoerderte-erkunden-das-arithmeum
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/consultation-and-service/financing-and-support/the-deutschlandstipendium/testimonials
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/consultation-and-service/financing-and-support/the-deutschlandstipendium/events
- https://www.uni-bonn.de/en/studying/consultation-and-service/financing-and-support/the-deutschlandstipendium/providing-support