for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship

Up-to-date information

The application period for winter semester 2025/26 runs from April 28, 2025 to May 26, 2025.

Apply for the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship

Who can apply?
All students who have enrolled for a degree program (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, State Examination, Church Degree, magister’s degree) at the University of Bonn can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. It is also open to all high school graduates and prospective students looking to begin a degree at the University of Bonn at the start of the relevant funding period. As the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship is awarded based on achievement, applicants must meet the following performance criteria:

  • High school graduates must have an average Abitur grade of 1.5 or higher.
  • Bachelor’s and master’s students must be able to demonstrate an average grade of 2.3 or higher from their studies to date.

Students in State Examination degree programs:

  • Law: Average score of at least 9 points.
  • Medicine: Students who have not yet reached the first stage of the Medical Examination should have successfully completed the course assessments in accordance with the curriculum. After that point, they should have achieved a grade of 3.0 or higher in the first stage of the Medical Examination.
  • Dentistry: There are no performance criteria prior to sitting the preliminary examination (“Vorphysikum”) as no grades or scores are awarded. Students should have achieved at least a “Good” grade in the “Vorphysikum” or subsequent “Physikum” examination.
  • Pharmacy: Students should have achieved a very good performance in accordance with the curriculum in the period leading up to the first state examination, with their number of examination attempts and percentage of the total available points also being counted. They should score at least 2.5 on average in the first state examination.

Social engagement outside school or university will be considered in the selection process.

© Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn

New applications

If you have not been awarded a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the University of Bonn in the past and would like to apply for one, you can find more information here.

© Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn


If you received a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the University of Bonn for the 2024/25 funding period and would like to apply for an extension, you can find more information here.

Header FAQ
© Barbara Frommann/Uni Bonn


You can find the most important questions and answers about the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship and the application procedure here.

Important downloads

Here you can find the flyer for students and prospective students. You can also download the application for funding beyond the end of the standard period of study and an overview of the scholarships that can be received in parallel to the Deutschlandstipendium as a PDF.

An application for funding beyond the end of the standard period of study must be submitted during the application process if a student is going to exceed this period while receiving funding. Funding can be obtained for one semester beyond the end of the standard period of study.

The dual funding overview indicates which scholarships can be claimed at the same time as the Deutschlandstipendium. The overview is only available in German.


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Jennifer Brauweiler

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