
Here you can find an overview of all scholarship recipients’ meetings since the 2013/14 funding period and details of the sponsors.

2024/25 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

Am 5. Dezember 2024 fand die feierliche Urkundenübergabe des Deutschlandstipendiums in der Aula der Universität Bonn statt. Die Stipendiat*innen erhielten dabei nicht nur ihre Urkunden, sie konnten zugleich auch in den Austausch mit ihren Fördernden gehen. Der Vorsitzende der Bonner Universitätsstiftung, Professor Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, und der Prorektor für Studium, Lehre und Hochschulentwicklung, Professor Dr. Klaus Sandmann, begrüßten zunächst die zahlreich erschienenen Gäste der Veranstaltung. Im Rahmen eines anschließenden Impulsvortrags gab Dr. Alexander Tiefenbacher, der verantwortlich für das Servicezentrum Deutschlandstipendium im Stifterverband ist, Einblicke in das Stipendienprogramm. Abgerundet wurde der Vortrag mit einer anschließenden Gesprächsrunde, an der zudem die Stipendiatin und Asta-Vorsitzenden Janna Reif sowie die Geschäftsführerin der Bonner Univeristätsstiftung, Dr. Anke Peters, teilgenommen haben. Das Highlight des Abends war die feierliche Urkundenverleihung. Musikalisch umrahmt wurde die Veranstaltung durch das Collegium musicum Bonn. Im Anschluss haben sich die Stipendiat*innen sowie die Förderinnen und Förderer zu einem gemeinsamen Get-together im Fest- und Senatssaal zusammengefunden.

Zur Förderperiode 2024/25

2023/24 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second meeting of scholarship recipients from the 2023/24 funding period took place at the Koenig Museum on June 20, 2024.

The many guests - around 180 in all - were welcomed by the museum’s director Prof. Dr. Bernhard Misof and the Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann before being given free reign to explore the Koenig Museum for themselves. The event also focused on networking and dialogue and was rounded off with a get-together.

To the 2023/24 funding period1

2023/24 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2023/24 funding period was held in the University of Bonn’s main auditorium on October 30, 2023.

A musical performance by the Bonn Jazz Choir got proceedings under way. Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Klaus Sandmann, Vice Rector for Teaching, Learning and University Development, then welcomed the many guests to the event. This was followed by a discussion entitled “Using networks. Shaping networks.” featuring Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten (Member of the Board of the University of Bonn Foundation), Gregor Wiescholek from Jura Bonn Alumni e.V. and two former scholarship recipients—Dr. Julia Reichwald and Thomas Pfeffermann. The meeting culminated in a ceremony at which the scholarship recipients were presented with their certificates before joining their sponsors at a get-together in the Grand Hall and Senate Hall.

To the 2023/24 funding period1

2022/23 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

We had the honor of welcoming recipients and sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship to the Arithmeum at the University of Bonn for the second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2022/23 funding period on May 16, 2023.

For the sponsors themselves, the event had actually begun earlier, at 4 pm, with a get-together hosted by Provost Holger Gottschalk. Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Korte, Director of the Research Institute of Discrete Mathematics, opened the official part of the proceedings—in which the scholarship recipients were also involved—by welcoming the 160 or so guests in attendance. Besides guided tours of the Arithmeum, the event was also packed with interesting conversations and held in a pleasant spirit of conviviality.

To the 2022/23 funding period2

2022/23 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2022/23 funding period was held in the main auditorium at the University of Bonn on October 20, 2022.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernhard Korte, Director of the Research Institute of Discrete Mathematics, began by welcoming the many guests to the event, which culminated in a ceremony at which the scholarship recipients were presented with their certificates. This was followed by a discussion on sustainability at the University of Bonn that included two scholarship recipients, Emilia Cauda and Felix Schellhaas, alongside Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wachten (member of the University of Bonn Foundation committee) and Prof. Dr. Annette Scheersoi (Vice Rector for Sustainability). The event was given some musical accompaniment from a duo comprising Christian Klein on the piano and Nils Wandel on the cello. After proceedings had drawn to a close, all the guests had the opportunity to get to know one another at a drinks reception.

To the 2022/23 funding period2

2021/22 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting                                                     

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2021/22 funding period was held in the University of Bonn Botanic Garden on June 13, 2022.

First of all, the sponsors of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship were welcomed to a get-together by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn, and Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation. They were joined in the garden a short while later by the students who are currently receiving the scholarships. At 5 pm, all guests assembled in the Mediterranean House. After a welcome by Professor Hüttemann, the Rector also addressed a few words to the assembled crowd. This was followed by a discussion organized by the enaCom Transfer Center all about starting a business. Once the accompanying events had finished, all the guests had the opportunity to refuel at the buffet and enjoy a guided tour of the Botanic Garden. The Alumni Network and the enaCom Transfer Center were also on hand with information stalls.

To the 2021/22 funding period3

2021/22 funding period

Record set again: 182 scholarships in the 2021/22 funding year!

At the beginning of the 2021/22 funding year on October 1, 2021, we managed to exceed the previous year’s record of 146 scholarships and award a grand total of 182! We are delighted to have been able to get the new funding year off to such a successful start thanks to the support of our many sponsors.

To the 2021/22 funding period3

2020/21 funding period

New record with 146 Deutschlandstipendien scholarship recipients in the 2020/21 funding year!

At the beginning of the 2020/21 funding year on October 1, 2020, we managed to break the previous record and award an impressive 146 scholarships! We are delighted to have been able to get the new funding year off to such a successful start thanks to the support of our many sponsors.

To the 2020/21 funding period4

2019/20 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2019/20 funding period was held in the main auditorium at the University of Bonn on October 30, 2019 and saw the 129 scholarship recipients presented with their certificates in an official ceremony.

Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer and Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch began by welcoming the many guests to the event. The high point of the scholarship recipients’ meeting was the presentation ceremony, where all the sponsors who are funding at least one full Deutschlandstipendium scholarship handed certificates to their respective recipients. This was followed by a discussion entitled “Vom Reiz des Förderns und des Gefördert Werdens” (“On the Appeal of Supporting and Being Supported”). It was led by Susanne Peitzmann from the Evonik Foundation and Julia Reichwald, a scholarship recipient between 2013 and 2017, and moderated by Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, a member of the University of Bonn Foundation committee. The ceremony was bookended with music from a trio comprising Yannic Hürholz (saxophone), Conrad Noll (double bass) and Daniel Pottgüter (piano). After proceedings had drawn to a close, all the guests had the opportunity to chat and get to know one another at a small drinks reception.

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 129 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn will be able to receive a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the 2019/20 winter semester.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Alumni-Network of the University of Bonn
    • Gabriele Biesing
    • Bassam Doukmak - G 2000 Handel GmbH
    • Markus Eckert
    • Stefanie Eckstein
    • Peter Hartmann
    • Dr. Claude Heiser
    • Anselm Martin Hoffmeister
    • Dr. Dirk Hupperich
    • Dana Christine Müller
    • Dr. Judith Nierlich
    • Dr. Benjamin Kofi Nyarko
    • Silke Palm
    • Rike Riesmeier
    • Fatima Zahra Samorah
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Schüttler
    • Anne Storch
    • Professor Dr. Klaus O. Stumpe
    • Joachim Supp
    • Dr. Frederika Tsai
    • Dr. Ludger Vonnahme
    • and other members of the Alumni-Network
  • BBBank Stiftung
  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • Deutsche Bank AG
  • DGR Deutsche Genossenschafts-Revision Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft GmbH
  • Evonik Stiftung
  • Notar Dr. Johannes Fetsch
  • Förderstiftung Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät Bonn
  • GdF-Knapp Stiftung
  • Alexandra Gräfin Lambsdorff
  • Klaus-Christian Hilbert
  • Jörg-Bewersdorff-Stiftung
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Dr. Carl-Christian Knobbe
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Marianne und Emil Lux-Stiftung
  • Merck KGaA
  • MEYER-KÖRING Rechtsanwälte | Steuerberater Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
  • Santander Universitäten
  • Professor Dr. Stephan Schauhoff
  • Notar Dr. Frank Schürmann
  • Stiftung "miteinander füreinander" der Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
  • Sportstiftung NRW
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Theodor Brinkmann-Stiftung e. V.
  • Umfragezentrum Bonn - Prof. Rudinger GmbH: Gesellschaft für empirische Sozialforschung und Evaluation
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e. V.
    • AugenklinikRoth GmbH
    • PD Dr. Anneliese Bohn
    • Dr. Johannes Brauers
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Rainer Gerold
    • Dr. Sabine und Professor Dr. Andreas Hoeft
    • Dr. Woldemar Hövel
    • Dr. Günther Horzetzky
    • Dr. David Klein
    • Knauber Unternehmensgruppe
    • Dr. Marieluise Koch
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Korte
    • Dr. Klaus-Martin Lotz
    • Dr. Thomas Mueller-Thuns
    • Antje und Dr. Thomas Muthesius
    • NetCologne GmbH
    • Professor Dr. Norbert Oellers
    • Ortrud Parry
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff und Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Pfeifer
    • Phoenix Reisen GmbH
    • Gudrun Politt
    • Professor Dr. Gerd Prölß
    • Dr. Claudia Rennings
    • Dr. Wolfgang Riedel
    • Fatima Zahra Samorah
    • Margit Schlengermann
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Schlottmann
    • Professor Dr. Berthold Schneider
    • Professor Dr. Hans Schneider
    • Studentenförderungswerk Heinrich Menzel e. V.
    • Roswitha Stützer
    • Dr. Rüdiger von Stengel
    • Dr. Doris Walch-Paul
    • Dr. Steffen Wasmus
    • Dr. Bertold Witte
    • Georg Wellmann
    • Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e. V.

2018/19 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2018/19 funding period was held on May 22, 2019.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, welcomed guests to the main auditorium at the University of Bonn at 4:30 pm. There followed a discussion about the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship involving three sponsors and three recipients. Conducted in a relaxed atmosphere, it was moderated by Denis Nasser. To round off the event, the guests had the opportunity to chat and do some networking over a small drinks reception.

2018/19 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2018/19 funding period was held in the main auditorium at the University of Bonn on November 28, 2018.

All the sponsors and scholarship recipients were welcomed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Hoch, Rector of the University of Bonn. The real highlight of the event was the certificate presentation ceremony. This year marked the first in which the sponsors—not just the scholarship recipients—were given a certificate in recognition of their generous support. The ceremony was bookended with music from a duo featuring David Brück on the saxophone and Daniel Pottgüter on the piano. Following the presentation ceremony, the guests had the opportunity to chat over a small drinks reception. In the University of Bonn’s anniversary year, the University of Bonn Foundation awarded a grand total of 141 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships, thus exceeding by some margin its target of 100 through the efforts of a great many sponsors. The number of scholarships has thus almost doubled on the last funding period. Our thanks go to all our sponsors, without whom such a fantastic achievement would not have been possible!

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 141 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn can be supported with a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2018/19.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Alumni-Network of the University of Bonn
    • Gabriele Biesing
    • Detlef Böcking
    • Markus Eckert
    • Stefanie Eckstein
    • Norbert Gasten
    • Dr. Claude Heiser
    • Dr. Thorsten Hornung
    • Dr. Dirk Hupperich
    • Joanna Jong
    • Anna Lieb
    • Dr. Jürgen Lorenz
    • Dana Müller
    • Silke Palm
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Schüttler
    • Joachim Supp
    • Dr. Frederika Tsai
    • and other members of the Alumni-Network
  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • DGR Deutsche Genossenschafts-Revision Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft GmbH
  • Evonik Stiftung
  • Notar Dr. Johannes Fetsch
  • Förderstiftung Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät Bonn
  • GdF-Knapp Stiftung
  • Holger Gottschalk
  • Alexandra Gräfin Lambsdorff
  • Jörg-Bewersdorff-Stiftung
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Dr. Carl-Christian Knobbe
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Marianne und Emil Lux-Stiftung
  • MEYER-KÖRING Rechtsanwälte | Steuerberater Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
  • Dr. Bernd Noll
  • Santander Universitäten
  • Professor Dr. Stephan Schauhoff
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn
  • Solidaritätsfonds - Stiftung der Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
  • Theodor Brinkmann-Stiftung e.V.
  • Umfragezentrum Bonn - Prof. Rudinger GmbH: Gesellschaft für empirische Sozialforschung und Evaluation
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
    • AugenklinikRoth GmbH
    • Dr. Gerd Becher
    • PD Dr. Anneliese Bohn
    • Professor Dr. Klaus Borchard und Professor Dr. Eckart Ehlers
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Ettinger
    • Sigrid Floeren-Bauerdick
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Rainer Gerold
    • Dr. Jörg Haas
    • Jürgen Heinen
    • Klaus-Christian Hilbert
    • Dr. Sabine und Professor Dr. Andreas Hoeft
    • Dr. Woldemar Hövel
    • Dr. David Klein
    • Unternehmensgruppe Knauber
    • Dr. Marieluise Koch
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernhard Korte
    • Professor Dr. Rolf Lessenich
    • Dr. Klaus Martin Lotz
    • Dr. Lothar Mennicken
    • Dr. Thomas Mueller-Thuns
    • NetCologne GmbH
    • Professor Dr. Norbert Oellers
    • Ortrud Parry
    • Dr. Carola Paulsen
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff und Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Pfeifer
    • Phoenix Reisen GmbH
    • Gudrun Politt
    • Professor Dr. Gerd Prölß
    • Dr. Claudia Rennings
    • Dr. Wolfgang Riedel
    • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Erhard Röder
    • Fatima Zahra Samorah
    • Professor Dr. Berthold Schneider
    • Professor Dr. Hans Schneider
    • StProf. a.D. Dr. Barbara Schuchard
    • Dr. Aleksandra Sowa
    • Studentenförderungswerk Heinrich Menzel e.V.
    • Roswitha Stützer
    • Dr. Rüdiger von Stengel
    • Dr. Doris Walch-Paul
    • Dr. Steffen Wasmus
    • Johannes Weidtmann
    • Dr. Berthold Witte
    • Georg Wellmann
    • Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

2017/18 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2017/18 funding period was held at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig on June 5, 2018.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Hüttemann, a member of the University of Bonn Foundation committee, welcomed all the sponsors and scholarship recipients to the museum’s grand hall. After splitting into five groups, the sponsors then enjoyed a fascinating guided tour of the museum’s exhibition together with their scholarship recipients. To round off the event, the guests had the chance to chat and get to know one another at a buffet reception in the museum’s grand hall.


2017/18 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2017/18 funding period was held in the Grand Hall and Senate Hall of the University of Bonn on November 21, 2017.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, welcomed the guests who had assembled in the Grand Hall. In a ceremony moderated by Marcus Berinski from, all the sponsors who had agreed to fund a full scholarship presented certificates to their recipients. The event was given musical accompaniment in the form of a student trio on the flute, violin and harp. The day was rounded off with a buffet reception, where sponsors and recipients could chat among themselves.

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 76 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn can be supported with a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2017/18.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Alumni-Network of the University of Bonn
    • Gabriele Biesing
    • Maria Th. Dix
    • Markus Eckert
    • Fangbo Yang
    • Dr. Florian Fuchs
    • Susanne Giesen-Pätz
    • Dr. Claude Heiser
    • Dr. Thorsten Hornung
    • Dr. Dirk Hupperich
    • Dr. Jürgen Lorenz
    • Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Piechota
    • Ursula Plate
    • Dr. Nadina Stadler
    • Joachim Supp
    • Dr. Frederika Tsai
    • and other members of the Alumni-Network
  • Dr. Jörg Bewersdorff
  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • GdF-Knapp Stiftung
  • Holger Gottschalk
  • Marc Materne für die HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Dr. Bernd Noll
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Stiftung für Physik und Astronomie in Bonn
  • Solidaritätsfonds - Stiftung der Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
  • Umfragezentrum Bonn - Prof. Rudinger GmbH: Gesellschaft für empirische Sozialforschung und Evaluation
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
    • Dr. Anneliese Bohn
    • Jürgen Deckers
    • Professor Dr. Friedhelm Erwe
    • Professor Dr. Rolf Fritz Gartz
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Rainer Gerold
    • Dr. Jörg Haas
    • Klaus Herkenrath
    • Mechthilde Hewing
    • Klaus-Christian Hilbert
    • Dr. Woldemar Hövel
    • Professor Dr. Josef Isensee
    • Dr. David Klein
    • Dr. Ines Knauber-Daubenbüchel
    • Dr. Marieluise Koch
    • Professor Dr. Bernhard Korte
    • Professor Dr. Rolf Lessenich
    • Dr. Klaus-Martin Lotz
    • Dr. Lothar Mennicken
    • Dr. Thomas Mueller-Thuns
    • NetCologne GmbH
    • Professor Dr. Svein Ødegaard
    • Professor Dr. Norbert Oellers
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff und Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Pfeifer
    • Phoenix Reisen GmbH
    • Ortrud Parry
    • Dr. Jörg Pieper
    • Gudrun Politt
    • Professor Dr. Gerd Prölß
    • Dr. Claudia Rennings
    • Dr. Wolfgang Riedel
    • Dr. Andreas Rollnik
    • Fatima Zahra Samorah
    • Professor Dr. Berthold Schneider
    • Professor Dr. Hans Schneider
    • StProf. a.D. Dr. Barbara Schuchard
    • Daniel Sommer
    • Dr. Aleksandra Sowa
    • Studentenförderungswerk Heinrich Menzel e.V.
    • Roswitha Stützer
    • Dr. Rüdiger von Stengel
    • Dr. Steffen Wasmus
    • Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

2016/17 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2016/17 funding period was held on May 22, 2017 in CAMPO, the canteen on the University’s Poppelsdorf Campus.

Following a welcome from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, the guests were treated to some stimulating keynote speeches by Dr. Anke Bohne from the Career Center, Susanne Maraizu from Section 6.2 (Study Abroad and the Erasmus Programme) and Tim Ostrowski from the Alumni Network. The event was moderated by Marcus Berinski from The day was rounded off with a buffet reception, where sponsors and recipients could chat among themselves.

2016/17 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2016/17 funding period was held in the Grand Hall and Senate Hall of the University of Bonn on November 9, 2016.

After a welcome by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Karin Holm-Müller, Vice Rector for Teaching and Learning, all sponsors who had agreed to fund a full scholarship presented their recipients with their scholarship certificates. The event was moderated by Marcus Berinski from Following the presentation ceremony, the scholarship recipients had the opportunity to chat to their sponsors over a buffet reception.

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 68 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn can be supported with a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2016/17.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Alumni-Network of the University of Bonn
    • Manohisoa Boulier
    • Markus Eckert
    • Susanne Gießen-Pätz
    • Michael Hillenbrand
    • Dirk Hupperich
    • Dr. Heinz Sieger
    • Dr. Nadina Stadler
    • Joachim Supp
    • and other members of the Alumni-Network
  • Dr. Jörg Bewersdorff
  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • Deutsche Postbank AG
  • GdF-Knapp Stiftung
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Marc Materne für die HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH
  • Dr. Bernd Noll
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Stiftung Solidaritätsfonds der Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg eG
  • Umfragezentrum Bonn - Prof. Rudinger GmbH: Gesellschaft für empirische Sozialforschung und Evaluation
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
    • Professor Dr. Karl-Heinz Büchel
    • Professor Dr. Friedhelm Erwe
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Rainer Gerold
    • Mechthilde Hewing
    • Klaus-Chrsitian Hilbert
    • Dr. Ines Knauber-Daubenbüchel
    • Dr. Marieluise Koch
    • Dr. Jakob Ley
    • Dr. Klaus-Martin Lotz
    • Dr. Lothar Menniken
    • Professor Dr. Thomas Mengden
    • Dr. Thomas Mueller-Thuns
    • NetCologne
    • Professor Dr. Norbert Oellers
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff & Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Professor Dr. Ulrich Pfeifer
    • Phoenix Reisen GmbH
    • Dr. Claudia Rennings
    • Dr. Wolfgang Riedel
    • Fatima Zahra Samorah
    • Professor Dr. Berthold Schneider
    • StProf. Dr. Barbara Schuchard
    • Dr. Daniel Sommer
    • Professor Dr. Wighart von Königswald
    • Dr. Steffen Wasmus
    • Andreas Zimmermann
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

2015/16 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2015/16 funding period was held on May 31, 2016 in the Academic Museum of Art and the FAZ-Café.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, welcomed all the sponsors and recipients of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship to the Academic Museum of Art, where the guests were treated to a fascinating guided tour. After dividing into three groups, the sponsors were taken through the museum together with their scholarship recipients. Everyone then convened at the University of Bonn’s FAZ-Café, where they could chat over a buffet reception following a brief word of welcome from Prof. Dr. Karin Holm-Müller, Vice Rector for Teaching and Learning.

2015/16 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2015/16 funding period was held on October 14, 2015 in the former office of the official representative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, opened the event by welcoming the assembled guests. All the sponsors then presented their scholarship recipients with their certificates in a ceremony moderated by Klaus Herkenrath from University Communications and given musical accompaniment by the band “Off The Record.” The guests then had the opportunity to chat among themselves over a buffet reception.

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 57 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn can be supported with a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2015/16.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • Deutsche Postbank AG
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Kruse Materne Gbr, vertreten durch Susanne Kruse und Marc Materne für die HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Stiftung Solidaritätsfonds der Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg eG
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn – Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V
    • Deutsche Post AG
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Ines Knauber-Daubenbüchel
    • NetCologne
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff & Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Professor Dr. Hermann Sabel
    • Professor Dr. Berthold Schneider
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

2014/15 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2014/15 funding period was held on May 18, 2015 in the Stucco Room at Poppelsdorf Palace and the University of Bonn Botanic Garden.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, welcomed the guests who had assembled in the Stucco Room. Joined by moderator Klaus Herkenrath from University Communications, everyone then proceeded to the Botanic Garden, where two guided tours ran in parallel. Afterward, two scholarship recipients—Véronique Berg and Leander Troll—gave a lively account of their time spent abroad. The event was rounded off with a buffet reception, where sponsors and recipients could chat among themselves.           

2014/15 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2014/15 funding period was held in the Grand Hall and Senate Hall of the University of Bonn on December 5, 2014.

Following a welcome by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, all the scholarship recipients were presented with their certificates. Klaus Herkenrath from University Communications acted as moderator and then went on to introduce the four themed tables where scholarship recipients could find out about doctoral studies, spending time abroad, careers and job applications, and starting out in a company. The tables were staffed by sponsors and employees of the University of Bonn. To round off the event, the guests had the opportunity to chat over a buffet.

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 56 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn will be able to receive a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2014/15.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • Deutsche Postbank AG
  • Dietrich Kleppi
  • Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfonds
  • Ließem-Stiftung
  • Marc Materne für die HORBACH Wirtschaftsberatung GmbH
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Stiftung Solidaritätsfonds der Volksbank Bonn Rhein-Sieg eG
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
    • EATON Industries
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • NetCologne
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff & Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • Gudrun Politt
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

2013/14 funding period

Second scholarship recipients’ meeting

The second scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2013/14 funding period was held on May 27, 2014 in the former office of the official representative of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The welcome by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, was followed by an interesting discussion entitled “Karriere nach dem Studium” (“A Career After Your Studies”), which was moderated by the University of Bonn’s Press Officer Dr. Andreas Archut. Vera Strack from Deutsche Postbank AG provided an insight into the world of business, while Markus Antony talked about his work at the University of Bonn. All the guests had been invited along to the Rector’s Spring Party following the scholarship recipients’ meeting.

2013/14 funding period

First scholarship recipients’ meeting with presentation of certificates

The first scholarship recipients’ meeting of the 2013/14 funding period was held in the Grand Hall and Senate Hall of the University of Bonn on February 11, 2014.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Löwer, Chair of the University of Bonn Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fohrmann, Rector of the University of Bonn, opened proceedings by welcoming the assembled guests. All the scholarship recipients were then presented with their certificates, with the band “Off The Record” providing musical accompaniment to the event. After that, the guests had the opportunity to chat among themselves over a buffet reception.                                           

Thank you!

Thanks to the commitment of numerous companies, foundations and private individuals, 45 high-achieving students at the University of Bonn can be supported with a Deutschlandstipendium starting in the winter semester 2013/14.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, particularly on behalf of the scholarship recipients, for their generous support!

Needless to say, our thanks also go out to all the sponsors who would prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Bonner Universitätsstiftung
  • Deutsche Postbank AG
  • Stiftung der VR-Bank Bonn
  • Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
    • GEHE Pharma Handel GmbH
    • Dr. Thomas Gemeinholzer
    • Dr. Ines Knauber-Daubenbüchel
    • Professorin Dr. Sigrid Peyerimhoff & Professor Dr. Herbert Dreeskamp
    • and other members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Bonn - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.
  • Vermessungsbüro Pilhatsch
  • Dr. Konrad M. Weis


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Jennifer Brauweiler

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