Non-financial support program
As well as the financial aspect of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, the non-financial support program is also becoming increasingly important. You will find a few testimonials about non-financial support on this page.
“Stammtisch” format
Following the establishment of a group of spokespersons in the 2020/21 funding period on the initiative of Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Hoch, recipients of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship are now increasingly benefiting from a non-financial support program as well. The spokespersons’ group organizes regular informal “Stammtisch” meet-ups and other meetings, which all scholarship recipients can attend. Here you can get an idea of some of the topics discussed at these meetings.
Events for scholarship recipients
On June 29, 2022, the University of Bonn's mathematics center hosted a talk arranged by the spokespersons’ group, where René Petervari from the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques presented his work. This work brings him into contact on a daily basis with cutting-edge research into artificial intelligence and aerospace technology, a subject that was not only of interest to scholarship recipients on degree programs in the natural sciences.
The first “Stammtisch” meet-up organized by the spokespersons’ group for the 2021/22 funding period was held in the University of Bonn's mathematics center on April 13, 2022. The students came together for a convivial meet-up and were able to get to know one another “live and in color” for the first time.
On November 29, 2021, two members of Theater Bonn, Alessia Heider and Johanna Gremme, gave a Zoom presentation on the theater itself, its work and its performances. This allowed scholarship recipients to take a look behind the scenes and get an exclusive preview of the upcoming program.
The first get-to-know-you “Stammtisch” of the 2021/22 funding period took place via Zoom on November 17, 2021. This included an introduction to the non-financial support program and the formation of a new spokespersons’ group.
A number of scholarship recipients from the 2020/21 funding period came together on July 13, 2021 for a “Stammtisch” featuring two more presentations. Benedikt Imbusch talked about “Security and data protection in messenger services,” while Bastian Schneider, one of the winners of the Stifterverband’s “Engagement hoch 10” (“Commitment to the power 10”) competition, presented his work on “Preventing (sexualized) violence against young people in clubs.”
On June 30, 2021, Dr. Jörg Bewersdorff—a sponsor of the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship, a benefactor of the University of Bonn Foundation and a member of its board of trustees—gave a talk entitled “What happens when you access an https address in your browser (instead of http)? What does that have to do with mathematics?” This was also the first in the series of presentations called “Did you know…? Knowledge for all.”
Two groups of scholarship recipients each presented a topic at the “Stammtisch” meet-up on May 20, 2021. Rosa Brocar and Anna Ortmann shared some of the details of their project entitled “Community-supported agriculture for the Alfter Plan B3—trees, beds, flowers” (in German “Baum, Beet, Blume”). The second presentation, “Data security online,” was given by Alexandra Axt, Kristi Balla and Felix Schäfer. A total of 31 interested scholarship recipients took part.
An introduction to the University of Bonn’s Career Service was provided by its Head, Dr. Anke Bohne, at an online meeting on April 19, 2021, attended by a total of 32 scholarship recipients from the 2020/21 funding period.
On March 30, 2021, 25 scholarship recipients came to a “Stammtisch” featuring talks on the topics of “Friends of elderly people” (Sonja Krüger) and “Rotary Club” (Christoph Fritze).
Twenty-nine scholarship recipients took part in the first digital “Stammtisch” and talk on March 18, 2021. Entitled “Democracy active!,” the presentation was given by scholarship recipient Pia Zimmermann.
Attended by 44 scholarship recipients, the first get-to-know-you “Stammtisch” of the 2020/21 funding period took place via Zoom on March 3, 2021.
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You can find more testimonials about the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship here.
Providing support
If you would like to support the Deutschlandstipendium scholarship at the University of Bonn, you will find information on how to do so here.