IT and Media Services
University IT is responsible for providing centrally organized IT services for research, teaching and studying and makes its IT expertise available to the University in its capacity as service provider.
eCampus, a joint venture by University IT, the Bonn Center for Higher Education and the Bonn University and State Library (USL), is the central e-learning contact point for all University staff.
The USL also loans out media equipment and provides training in using the library and media.
Internet access, email, cloud services

The University of Bonn mainly provides WiFi in public areas (lecture halls, libraries, seminar rooms, etc.). There are currently over 800 WiFi access points, with more being added all the time.

Every Uni-ID comes with an email address as standard. This takes the form “” and is activated after your Uni-ID has been enabled.

Campus cloud / sciebo
The universities in NRW provide a secure cloud service called sciebo (“Science Box”), which allows data to be synchronized automatically and users to collaborate on the same documents.
University IT helpdesk
Located in the plaza on the first floor of University IT, the University IT helpdesk is the main point of contact for members of the University of Bonn. Here you will find someone to answer all your questions. Wherever possible, the IT helpdesk will solve your problems there and then. If your issue is more complex, you might also be referred to specialist University IT staff.
Plaza, 1st floor (Room 0.008a)
Wegelerstraße 6
53115 Bonn

eCampus automatically lets you access your online courses from anywhere and at any time, once you have been admitted to a course in BASIS. You can find all the information and materials for a particular course on the eCampus course page.

The central campus management system BASIS (“Bonner Aktuelles Studieninformationssystem”) combines access to the electronic course catalog (eVV) with that to electronic examination management (POS).
Contact information
eCampus support hotline
Mon. – Fri. | 10 am – 4 pm
Phone: +49 (0)228 73-5092
Contact form
eCampus | E-learning Services
MNL Branch Library Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Media Center

The Media Center in the MNL Branch Library provides equipment loans, PC workstations and training sessions to University of Bonn members and serves as a one-stop shop for all the University’s media offerings. Users can also borrow iPads from the library’s loans desk for up to six months—just ask the team at the desk.
Training and tutorials

The USL organizes a wide range of introductory and training sessions for anyone keen to get to know it and its services a bit better.
Main Library
For questions concerning the library and literature research: Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
+49 228 73-7525
University and State Library
Adenauerallee 39-41
53113 Bonn
Media Center of the MNL Branch Library
The Media Center is open from 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Sebastian Weule
+49(0)151 53511711
Ground floor, MNL Branch Library
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn