Counseling for (almost) all cases

Counseling during your studies

You can contact the following people and counseling services for the many questions that arise in connection with studying with a long-term health condition (not an exhaustive list):

Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses (Disability Representative)

© Ulrike Eva Klopp

“Representatives for the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses” (disability representatives) play an important role representing the interests of students with health impairments and acting as an intermediary between students and teachers/examiners and university management. The positions for these representatives have their legal basis in the Framework Act for Higher Education (Hochschulrahmengesetz) (§ 2, para. 41), NRW Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz NRW) (§ 62b2) and Constitution of the University of Bonn (§ 343).

Their main responsibilities include the following:

Representing interests

Disability representatives represent the interests of these students in universities. They also assist other university members and institutions (e.g. professors representing a department’s subjects, teachers, examination boards) by providing advice on issues concerning studying with disabilities.

Helping you manage your studies

Disability representatives counsel you on possible support services and individual accommodations for students with impairments (in particular accessibility accommodations when applying for and being admitted to a university, during your studies and for coursework and examinations). They are also available to help you overcome other disability or health-related hurdles, deal with conflicts during your studies and assert any claims if necessary.

University of Bonn counseling services

  • The General Students’ Committee4 provides counseling by students for students.
  • Counseling for disabled, chronically or mentally ill, neurodivergent and deaf students (CIMND5) (formerly BOCKS counseling)

Your subject-specific study advisory services6 can provide answers to detailed subject-specific questions.

Counseling for psychological issues, uncertainties or problems during your studies is provided by the following:


The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service10 can provide helpful information if you want to change to a different subject or university.

The examination authorities11 provide counseling on any issues related to examinations.

Female students with disabilities can contact the Gender Equality Commissioner12 about unequal treatment or discrimination.

You can find contacts with a church or religious orientation in the religious associations13 at the University of Bonn.

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Regional counseling centers

The kombabb-Kompetenzzentrum NRW14 is a university-independent information and counseling center for students with visible or non-visible disabilities or chronic illnesses that focuses on the transition from school to university.

Careers for People with Disabilities15 (Karriere mit Handicap) employer service for severely disabled academics

Accessible Bonn and region 16(Bonn und Region barrierefrei)

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Social associations, self-help, organizations for people with disabilities, etc.

BAG Selbsthilfe27 is a union of German self-help associations for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses and their families.

Supraregional counseling centers

The counseling center29 finds the right contact person for you and prepares informational materials. In addition, it collects and documents information of interest to people with disabilities and institutions and organizations involved in counseling students with disabilities. The counseling center is also involved in representing the interests of students with disabilities vis-à-vis administrative institutions, policymakers and the public.

TU Dortmund University has established an advisory and exchange service on assistive technologies for students at universities in NRW. You can find the relevant information in the following pdf document30.

Landschaftsverband Rheinland31 is responsible for regional social assistance and provides integration assistance for attending university.

The Zentrum für selbstbestimmtes Leben32 is a center providing counseling by people with disabilities for people with disabilities. The employees provide counseling on issues such as personal assistance, fundamental questions of social law and much more.

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft lebenslanges Lernen33 (Lifelong Learning Working Group) is a joint project of university graduates and students. Its website provides information on opportunities for distance learning and continuing education for people with disabilities.

The Ergänzende unabhängige Teilhabeberatung34 (EUTB®) assists and counsels people with disabilities, people at risk of disability and their family members free of charge nationwide on matters related to rehabilitation and participation.



Avatar Becker

Marion Becker

Representative for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses
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