Informational material

Many PDF documents providing detailed information for students with disabilities are available here.

Flyers and publications on studying with disabilities

Flyers and publications on this topic are available here

Guidelines and manuals (for counselors, teachers and students)

Guidelines and manuals that can help with the preparation of accessible teaching materials and provide support for students are available here.

Public relations/press

Some publications on “studying with disabilities” are available here.

Manuals and other sources of information for people with disabilities

Most manuals that could be relevant for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are available on the Internet as online manuals and/or downloads. As a result, mostly website addresses are provided below. Print versions are still available in some cases and can be ordered.

www.bgbonn.de12 → “Bonn Barrierefrei” (“Accessible Bonn”) brochure

Girls and women with disabilities experience violence very frequently!

Studies show that this group experiences violence two to three times more than the average for all women. In addition, a lack of accessibility makes searching for and making use of help and support services considerably more difficult.

These are all reasons the Fachstelle Gewaltschutz bei Behinderung – Mädchen sicher inklusiv20 (Special Unit for Violence Prevention for People with Disabilities—Including Girls Safely) has become an integral part of the aid landscape in NRW.



Appointments must be made in advance

Counseling is confidential and solutions-oriented and takes place by email, phone, (Zoom) video or in person.

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