Leave of Absence (Taking Time Out for a Reason)

A “semester on leave” (a leave-of-absence semester that does not increase the number of program-related semesters) is possible for a variety of reasons and is particularly recommended in the case of long-term health conditions that prevent students from attending courses and completing the expected coursework.

More detailed information and the application form are available here1.

If you receive BAföG or the like, please contact the authority providing the funding (e.g. BAföG Office) and inquire about any special conditions before taking a leave of absence.

Due to the rules on free attempts (Freiversuchsregelung), law students (state examinations) should also first contact their subject-specific study advisory service2 or examination office3.

As a rule, you should submit your application for a leave of absence (in person or in writing) with the required supporting documents to the Student Registry4 by the re-registration deadline or, in the case of later submissions, no later than May 15 for a summer semester and November 15 for a winter semester.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Marion Becker
© Pixabay von Pexels

In the case of illness, you have two options when submitting your application:

  1. If you do not need your student transit pass, check the box for “Illness that keeps you from completing your degree on time” (reduced social contribution).
  2. If, however, you would like to continue using your student transit pass during your semester on leave, check the box for “Other important reason” instead (full social contribution).

A medical certificate is adequate proof in both cases.

The leave of absence is generally granted for one semester, but can also be granted for up to three semesters at once if the required supporting documents can be submitted for all of the semesters covered by the application. The leave of absence is limited to a total of ten semesters (including semesters on leave granted at other German universities). If you have a chronic illness or disability, additional semesters on leave are possible with a letter of approval from the University of Bonn Disability Representative.



Appointments must be made in advance

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