Living in Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn: congratulations on your admission to study or new job at the University.
As in every university town, accommodation always comes at a premium; supply and demand can mean that finding a nice place to live presents a challenge in terms of both time and money. Whether a student, teacher or researcher, we recommend that you start looking as early as possible for somewhere to live. Sometimes, it is advisable first to find temporary accommodation to give yourself more time. In Germany, enrollment on a degree program does not entitle students to accommodation; the University does not provide its students with a place to live. We have however, assembled the most important information on this website to help you find somewhere to live.
Helpful information
The University of Bonn does not provide any accommodation
Many countries issue students with accommodation automatically. In Germany, enrollment on a degree program does not entitle students to accommodation and the University does not provide its students with a place to live.
Even if you would prefer to live alone, we recommend that you consider other options such as a shared apartment.
Keep your options open
Do not invest all your hopes into one option, but keep an open mind; make inquiries and applications for multiple offers of accommodation.
The early bird catches the worm!
The early bird catches the worm!
The demand for accommodation is greatest at the start of every semester. We recommend that you start as early as possible.
Never give up!
Do not allow rejection to get you down. Keep on looking for a place to live: you will get there in the end!
Preparation is everything
In Germany, you need a registered address to be able to sign a rental agreement, open a bank account and perform a whole range of other official tasks.
Where to look for accommodation
The following section provides an overview of possible places to start looking for accommodation.
Somewhere to stay upon arriving in Bonn
Providers of student accommodation such as the Studierendenwerk Bonn1 and a number of Student Churches2 provide affordable short-term accommodation for your first few days in Bonn. These rooms are usually more affordable than taking a room in a boarding house, hotel or youth hostel.
Other online listings and agencies
Students can find short-term accommodation via a range of online listing websites and rental agencies. The Mitwohnzentrale charges a fee for providing accommodation bookable on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Living in shared accommodation
Looking for accommodation is always best done in person. The first impression always counts and visiting potential apartments presents the ideal opportunity for you to size up what is on offer and make a good impression. We recommend reading the “searching for” category in listings to find groups of like-minded students with whom you could rent an apartment together.
Living in a dormitory
The Studierendenwerk Bonn maintains some 3,700 lodgings in 29 dormitory buildings for students. The Studierendenwerk website3 provides an overview of the location, facilities and costs of a place in a dormitory. People with disabilities can apply for preferential treatment.
You can make multiple applications for a place in different dormitory buildings. Students enrolled on one of the international degree programs provided at the University of Bonn should ask their assigned contact person in their Master's degree program for a place in dormitory accommodation.
A number of Churches2 also provide rooms and apartments in dormitory buildings.
The General Students’ Committee (AStA) Wohnen für Hilfe
The project "Wohnen für Hilfe" provides students with the opportunity to obtain accommodation free-of-charge or at reduced rates by volunteering to help those in need. The General Students’ Committee (AStA) 4of the University of Bonn brings students into contact with older members of society, families, people with a disability or single parents who provide accommodation.
Subsidized accommodation for low earners
Those whose earnings are of an insufficient level to enable them to afford suitable accommodation can apply for housing allowance or a “Wohnberechtigungsschein” which entitles them to subsidized accommodation. The application must fulfill certain requirements.
Accommodation advertisements in print media
The print editions or the websites of the General-Anzeiger Bonn newspaper, the magazine Schnüss or the advertising journal Annonce also advertise accommodation. We also recommend that you use search engines to find accommodation in the various online listings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students will be issued with Internet access via the Eduroam network upon enrollment. If you would like an Internet connection at home, you will need to arrange your own private connection.
The Gebühreneinzugszentrale GEZ levies a monthly fee to fund public broadcasting such as the providers of television and radio. Every household in Germany is required to pay this fee, regardless of the number of people living there.
Students from countries outside the EU are required to register with the responsible authority.
If you wish to remain in Bonn for longer than three months, you must register with the Citizen's Service Office.
Contact information
Studierendenwerk Bonn AöR
Student accommodation section
+49 (0)228/ 73-7163
Nassestraße 11
53113 Bonn
Amt für Soziales und Wohnen der Stadt Bonn (The Social Security and Accommodation Office of the City of Bonn)
+49 (0)228 / 77-48 10
+49 (0)228/ 77-49 59
Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 65
53225 Bonn
General Students’ Committee (AStA)
The Office “Wohnen für Hilfe”
Wednesday and Fridays +49 (0)151/51433701
Also read
The canteens of the Studierendenwerk Bonn serve a nutritious and varied range of meals.