The When, Where and What of Your Enrollment

Documenting Your Studies

If you need to document your studies at the University of Bonn for government agencies or institutions, use the following documents.

Current certificate of enrollment

Certificates of enrollment for the current semester can be printed directly from your personal user account at study service1.

These can also be used for BAföG, child benefits and health insurance.

The certificates are verifiable and can hence be checked for authenticity by recognizing bodies.

A certificate documenting the total period of university enrollment, as required for submission to the Statutory Pension Insurance Fund, may be requested from the Student Registry.

In case your enrollment ended before winter semester 1994/1995, please submit your request to the University Archive2.33

If you have already been deregistered and no longer have access to the study portal, you may request a certificate documenting the total period of university enrollment, including information on degree programs, from the Student Registry.

In case your enrollment ended before winter semester 1994/1995, please submit your request to the University Archive22.333

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