Master of Arts
Anthropology of the Americas

Anthropology of the Americas

This degree program explores the “New World”, i.e. the American continent with its diverse cultural development phenomena that allow for comparisons with cultural developments in the history of the Old World. The Anthropology of the Americas degree program focuses in particular on exploring Indigenous societies in Latin America as well as their global connections, both in history and today.

Students acquire methodological and theoretical knowledge in cultural and social studies as well as profound regional knowledge of Latin America. The degree program covers the fields of archaeology (materials, epigraphy and iconography), history (working with sources) and ethnology (questions on organizational structures and (inter)cultural integration). A core element is becoming proficient in an Amerind language.

Graduates of the degree program have the ability to independently and analytically answer questions on cultural processes in past and present Latin America as well as to present study results in a tangible way. In addition to language proficiency, regional knowledge and methodological/analytical skills, students of this degree program acquire intercultural and interdisciplinary competences.

Possible lines of work:

Academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.), museums, cultural/research management, media and publishing, international organizations and companies (foundations, authorities, NGOs, tourism, etc.), development cooperation, public relations, adult education.

Open admission
Master of Arts
4 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)3

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

English language proficiency (CEFR level B2)

Spanish language proficiency (CERF level A2)

Minimum grade of 2.3 or local equivalent

Modules in anthropology of the Americas, Latin/Ancient American studies or a related field amounting to a minimum of 24 ECTS credits

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