Bachelor of Arts
Asian Studies

Asian Studies

The range of subjects offered by the Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies (IOA) provides a wealth of study options with regard to the societies, languages, cultures, art and religions rooted in Asia and the Middle East. The increasing global significance of this region makes Asian studies relevant both from a social and economic point of view.

Students choose a regional or methodological specialization and, in particular, acquire language and linguistic proficiency, region-specific knowledge and fundamental knowledge of humanistic and socio-scientific methods during their studies.

Content focuses of the program vary depending on the subject-specific focus. While some subjects prioritize questions of history and cultural studies or focus on art, religion, literature or philosophy, others address issues relating to economics and the social sciences as well as questions of international politics and cooperation.

Practical knowledge of an Asian language (Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Tibetan, Turkish or Vietnamese) is acquired through the required language minor.

Possible lines of work:

Intercultural communication, intercultural management, international development cooperation, peace and conflict research, international educational work (adult education, language courses, etc.), politics (policy consulting), culture (conservation/maintenance/management of global cultural heritage, cultural institutions, culture management, museums, etc.), tourism (long-distance, educational and cultural tourism), journalism, academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Open admission
Bachelor of Arts
6 Semester
Winter semester
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