Teaching Bachelor


Chemistry is the science of the composition, structure, characteristics and transformation of substances. An important element of this program is describing and characterizing substances as well as the physical laws to which transformation processes adhere.

The three main research areas of chemistry are inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry. All three areas are given equal coverage in the Chemistry bachelor's degree program at the University of Bonn.

In subject didactics modules, students learn about the didactic concepts behind designing chemistry lessons and discuss subject-specific competences, methods and working techniques.

The teaching degree for vocational schools combines a professional discipline with a school subject1 and educational sciences.


Possible lines of work:

Teaching at vocational schools. To teach at a German public school, candidates must follow up their bachelor’s degree with a Master of Education degree program as well as practical teacher training.

Open admission
Teaching Bachelor
Vocational School (Two-Subject)
6 Semester
Winter semester
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