Master of Education


The Master of Education degree program in Chemistry explores the composition, structure, characteristics and transformation of substances. An important element of this program is describing and characterizing substances as well as the physical laws to which transformation processes adhere. Students are given the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge, among others, in the three main areas of chemistry: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

While students in the bachelor's degree program focus on gaining subject-specific knowledge, the Master of Education degree program puts a stronger emphasis on educational sciences and subject didactics. Students develop concepts for practical experimental techniques that can be used in school lessons, taking into account the specific circumstances that apply there (e.g. safety, relevance and learners’ perception).

The teaching degree for vocational schools combines a professional discipline with a school subject and educational sciences. The practical semester is a key component of the degree program.


Possible lines of work

Teaching at vocational schools. To teach at a German public school, candidates must follow up a  practical teacher training. Providing teacher training seminars, educational and career counseling, and basic and advanced vocational training at companies.

Research and development, production, application technology, account management and marketing in the chemical industry as well as medium-sized chemical companies and chemical-related companies; public service (e.g. environmental authorities responsible for monitoring soil, water and air quality, forensics), external or internal quality control of food products and materials; consulting, providing expert opinion in a free-lance capacity, technical documentation and patents, research/academic work at universities, institutes of technology and non-university research institutions.

Open admission
Master of Education
Vocational School (Two-Subject)
4 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)3

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

German language proficiency (DSH level 3, CEFR level C2, as per DSH exam. regulations)4

Other language skills: A foreign language (modern language on CEFR level A2 or qualification in Latin/Greek)

Specific modules: 67 ECTS credits in discipline-specific/subject didactics modules of the chosen school subjects (with 3 ECTS credits each in subject didactics) | 24 ECTS credits in educational sciences (with 3 ECTS credits on the topic of inclusion; aptitude and orientation internship as well as vocational internship) | Bachelor's thesis 7 ECTS credits

9 weeks internship, incl. 25 days at a school

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