Master of Arts
Comparative Literature

Comparative Literature

Comparative literature is the study of literature in its transnational, intercultural and cross-media dimensions. The degree program deals with cultural sensemaking processes that cannot be adequately comprehended within the purview of individual philologies or by a purely literary analysis. Indeed, crossing linguistic, cultural, and disciplinary boundaries is an essential characteristic of comparative work. 

The master's degree program Comparative Literature conveys to students historical-philological insights and introduces them to the field’s traditional questions about the history of themes, problems and genres. In addition, it explores innovative fields of study in cultural and media studies as well as in comparative arts. Students gain insights into the processes of cultural and media globalization and thus acquire competencies indispensable for employment in the cultural industry, with its increasingly international orientation, and in other fields as well.

Building on the basis of solid theoretical training, students can include their own interests and sharpen their profiles by their choices with regard to foreign language(s), stay aboard, or methodological focus.


Possible lines of work:

Education (adult education, language courses, educational/vocational institutes (Bildungswerke), etc.), book industry (publishing/libraries/translating/editing), culture (embassies, cultural institutions, exhibitions, etc.), media (press, radio, television, on-line media, journalism, public relations), administration (international relations, e.g. diplomatic service, international organizations), academia (research management, teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Open admission
Master of Arts
4 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)3

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

German language proficiency (DSH level 2, CEFR level C1, as per DSH exam. regulations)4

English: CEFR level B2 language proficiency

Minimum grade of 3.0 or local equivalent

A minimum of 60 ECTS credits for modules in comparative literature

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