Master of Science
Computer Science

Computer Science

The Computer Science master’s degree program explores the theoretical modeling of real problems through algorithms as well as their application. Theoretical computer science delivers the necessary fundamentals, asking how and to which extent of complexity a problem can be described using algorithms, while practical computer science develops methods and concepts to solve these problems. Technical computer science meanwhile focuses on fundamental characteristics of hardware, with application and realization being subject to the field of applied computer science.

An example of a practical field of application could be the automotive sector, where intelligent routing and steering systems of vehicles would be unimaginable without the use of complex software. In robotics, intricate programming is likewise required to mimic human skills and enable autonomous decisions.

Students in this master’s degree program can specialize in one of the following research areas: Algorithmics, Graphics/Vision/Audio, Information and Communication Management, or Intelligent Systems.

Possible lines of work:

Production/development of IT systems (computer design, development of operating systems and user interfaces), positions in trade/consulting (system/application programming, IT organization, system support, training), positions with users (administration, maintenance/expansion of IT and programming systems, training/support), teaching, academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Open admission
Master of Science
4 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

English language proficiency (CEFR level B2)

Specific modules: Mathematical principles of computer science (18 ECTS credits) | Principles of theoretical computer science (15 ECTS credits) | Principles of programming, software technology and information systems (18 ECTS credits) | Research thesis (10 ECTS)

Applicants from outside Germany or another EU country must pass the aptitude test for university studies.

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