Bachelor of Arts
English Studies

English Studies

The English Studies degree program covers the study of the language, literature and culture of English-speaking countries. Students receive a solid overview of both older and modern English-language literature and culture and also explore current topics from the areas of structural and applied linguistics. Historically, English gradually spread from the British Isles to North America and then on to other vast parts of the globe. In today’s globalized world, it constitutes the common language in politics, business and culture.

The degree program has an interdisciplinary orientation: the in-depth study of language, literature and culture always includes questions from the areas of history, philosophy, politics and media studies so that students are provided with a comprehensive insight into current questions and research focuses of the subject. In terms of content, the program has a geographic focus on the UK, North America and the postcolonial world. 

In year two, students can choose advanced and intensive modules and thus prioritize individual focus areas. Students can choose a profile in either English linguistics and communications, North American studies, or British and postcolonial literary and cultural studies.

This subject must be combined with a second subject1.

Possible lines of work:

Cultural management (theater, opera, museums, etc.), international language institutes (adult education), journalism/media industry, communications industry (advertising, public relations, translation), book industry (libraries, booksellers, publishers), international cultural relations, marketing, tourism, international organizations/public authorities/governmental or non-governmental organizations, teaching at a German public school, academia (research management, teaching/research at universities, research institutions, university administration, etc.)

Job options strongly depend on a graduate’s chosen major.

Open admission
Bachelor of Arts
6 Semester
Winter semester
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