Master of Science
Geodesy and Geoinformation

Geodesy and Geoinformation

Geodesy is concerned with the measurement of the Earth in global, regional and local scales. Geoinformation in turn establishes links between the captured data and their geographic location, processing the data with computer-aided techniques and presenting them with digital geoinformation systems.

In the initial phase of the master's degree program, students build on existing knowledge in advanced modules in four areas: Global Monitoring, Geodetic Optimization and Multisensor Systems, Photogrammetry and Geoinformation Systems as well as Urban Renewal and Reconstruction. These modules are designed to provide students with an initial overview of the individual specialized fields, enabling them to identify individual areas of interest. Later on in the program, students can deepen their understanding of more specialized topics by choosing from a range of elective, block and project modules. Thanks to the research-oriented structure of the degree program, students are prepared for work as engineers at commercial enterprises, administrative authorities or in research. The goal is to convey to students advanced mathematical, methodological and technical abilities that correspond to current research topics in the fields of geodesy and geoinformation.  A master's degree is also a prerequisite for acceptance to the probationary training period (Referendariat) for higher public surveying (höherer vermessungstechnischer Verwaltungsdienst).

Possible lines of work:

Managerial positions in public surveying (land registries, regional land survey offices), publicly appointed survey engineer, commercial engineering firms, companies involved with geoinformation, transportation, cartography, photogrammetry, power supply, etc., banking/real estate, construction, technical expert firms/planning offices, real estate departments of large companies, municipalities/ specialized administrations, aerospace, software development, academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Open admission
Master of Science
4 Semester
Winter semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)3

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

German language proficiency (DSH level 2, CEFR level C1, as per DSH exam. regulations)4

English language proficiency (CEFR level B1)

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