The geosciences study the development of the earth and life from their origins to the present day. Through their understanding of the relevant geoprocesses, geoscientists can answer scientific questions about global change, environmental influences and risk, and the availability of needed raw materials.
The geological study of the earth’s structure and the rocks near its surface provide valuable clues to past and future processes (volcanism, tsunamis, earthquakes, climate change). While geophysical processes allow us a glimpse into the earth’s interior, geochemical analyses provide us with clues to past events, the only remaining traces of which are preserved in rocks. Understanding hydrogeological systems in the upper regions of the earth’s crust helps us to ensure that drinking water is available worldwide. Paleontology is the study of the evolution of life and how it is affected living space and climate, also with a view to current-day scenarios.
This broad-based degree program offers all the core geoscience fields: geology, paleontology, geochemistry/petrology and geophysics. Initially, all students acquire basic geoscientific knowledge in common courses in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics. Regardless of their geoscience specialization, all students are trained — in the field, in the laboratory, and at the computer — with an emphasis on actual practice and an orientation toward research.
Possible lines of work:
Applied geology (groundwater resources, development cooperation, environmental protection, georisks), ministries and government offices (environmental protection), geological services, raw materials exploration/use and production materials (industrial sector), public relations, museums, academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions.)
University entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur)
German language proficiency (DSH level 2, CEFR level C1, as per DSH exam. regulations)3