State Examination


Generally speaking, law organizes human behavior through a framework of norms. The study of law addresses the challenges of legislation and jurisdiction, assesses them critically and develops alternative solutions.

The objective of this study program is for students to understand the basic rules of the legal system and their application. The legal system includes written law as well as so-called customary law. The laws that have resulted from these basic rules form the foundation of the legal system. The study of law is not, however, memorizing individual laws and paragraphs, but learning to read them correctly, to understand their meaning and directives, and to apply them to specific cases.

Students learn the technique of reasoning through and solving cases by applying their knowledge of legal norms and the interconnections between them. They learn to do this in the three core areas of the law (civil, criminal and public law) and in the fundamental law-related areas (legal history, legal philosophy and methodology). Building on the above, students‘ knowledge of individual fields of law is deepened and enhanced; they also learn interdisciplinary and international aspects.

Possible lines of work:

Administration of justice (judge, prosecutor, lawyer, notary, corrections officer), administration (federal/regional/district governments, municipal administrations, financial/ customs/police administration, railway and postal services), business (auditor, industrial sector, trade, banking, insurance, industry and trade associations, publishers), diplomatic service, international organizations (UN, WHO, OECD, etc.), journalism, academia (teaching/research)

Local NC (DoSV)
State Examination
10 Semester
Winter semester
Summer semester
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