Bachelor of Science
Molecular Biomedicine

Molecular Biomedicine

Molecular Biomedicine examines the molecular and cytological fundamentals of life and the pathological changes they are subject to. The cross-disciplinary program combines the methods and molecular understanding of the natural sciences with current medical topics. The aim is to identify and understand the mechanisms and function modes of complex vital processes on the molecular level as well as pathological changes in bodily functions. This also forms the basis for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to combat human diseases.

At the beginning of the program, students acquire specialized competencies in basic areas of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and medicine (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry). They then specialize in a chosen focus area (e.g. developmental biology, human genetics, immunobiology and microbiology, toxicology or pathobiochemistry).

Throughout the program students receive theoretical and practical training as well as support and guidance from a mentor.


Possible lines of work:

Biomedical basic research (Max Planck Institutes, large research facilities, etc.), development/production/marketing (industrial sector), molecular diagnostics (for medical, biotechnological, environmental, forensic questions; in clinical disciplines (e.g. pediatrics, human genetics, internal medicine, etc.), academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions, etc.)

Local NC (DoSV)
Bachelor of Science
6 Semester
Winter semester
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