Bachelor of Arts
Protestant Theology and Hermeneutics

Protestant Theology and Hermeneutics

Protestant Theology is the reflective and scientifically responsible discourse on God from a Protestant perspective. In dialogue with other sciences and adopting their methods, it explores the meaning of the Christian faith. That faith is explored, for example, as a possibility to understand oneself and the world—in the sense of theology as a hermeneutic—as part of a society’s culture, or as a criterion for the practice of a religious community.

 Protestant theology is split into five main areas: Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology, and Practical Theology.

Students learn academic and profession-related aspects of Christianity as a possibility for human beings to find meaning in life, as a guide for how to lead their lives and find values, and as an influential factor in western culture and society. The main points of focus include on the one hand the historical origins and development of Christianity, and on the other hand the conditions, possibilities and effects of religious and church thought and action in today’s society—in Germany and in a global context.

Internships can be done in church-related or non-church areas.

This subject must be combined with a second subject1.

 Possible lines of work:

Administrative specialist/coordination functions (adult education centers, church academies, museums, etc.), academia (research management, teaching/research at universities, etc.), editing/clerical functions (publishers, libraries), archives, journalism

Open admission
Bachelor of Arts
6 Semester
Winter semester
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