Master of Arts


Knowledge of society and culture, interaction and organization is a key requirement in today’s world for the development of personal and professional competences. The interdisciplinary master's degree program Sociology offers both a strong research focus and a variety of practical elements for students to develop an individual profile through specialization in particular areas. The degree program is built on a cooperation between the University of Bonn’s Sociology department, the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Law as Culture” and the Forum Internationale Wissenschaft, all of which offer their own profile modules.

In addition to a thorough education in sociological theory and empirical research methodology, the program offers profile options in four thematic areas (Empirical Research Methods, Socioprudence in Organizations, Global Society and Law as Culture), which students learn through internships that are oriented towards specific professional competences. Moreover, students have the possibility to extend their knowledge beyond their own discipline, either in a particular specialized field (Subfields of Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Evaluation and Quality Assurance, Grief Counseling at Work) or with regard to particular geographic regions (Oriental and Asian Studies, Latin America, Eastern Europe).

Graduates of this degree program are prepared to assume management positions at national or international companies, public authorities, industry and trade associations, media companies or academic research institutions.

Possible lines of work:

Journalism, public relations, media/communications industry (advertising, PR), media consulting, parliaments, public authorities, public administration, industry and trade associations, political or other foundations, policy consulting (think tanks, foundations, public affairs agencies), foreign service, international organizations, opinion polling, adult education, private economy, academia (teaching/research at universities, research institutions etc.)

Local NC (Special selection)
Master of Arts
4 Semester
Winter semester

Examination Regulations (German versions are legally binding)3

University degree (German or non-German) in a relevant discipline

German language proficiency (DSH level 2, CEFR level C1, as per DSH exam. regulations)4

Minimum grade of 2.7 or local equivalent

Specific modules (a minimum of 36 ECTS credits total): Methods of Empirical Research (including statistical methodology) | History of Sociological Theory and Thought, Sociological Theory, General Sociology | Subfields of Sociology

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