Which academic disciplines can be combined?

Bachelor of Arts Degree Program Combinations

Each combined Bachelor of Arts program consists of 180 credit points (CP) to be earned for graduation. Out of these, 12 CP are allocated to the bachelor’s thesis at the end of the program and another 12 CP to the so-called electives, which complement the respective discipline with cross-disciplinary key competences as well as career orientation and practical training1. Most subjects that end with a Bachelor of Arts are offered at the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Arts. However, other faculties also offer subjects that may be combined with each other or with those at the Faculty of Arts.

The University of Bonn offers the following Bachelor of Arts degree program options:

Dual-Subject Option (Major/Major)

Major and Minor Option

Comments on possible combinations

Majors and minors of the same name may not be combined.

“German as a Second and Foreign Language” may not be combined with “Language and Communication in the Global Media Society”.


This subject is offered by a faculty other than the Faculty of Arts.

A major in Asian Studies must be combined with one of the following minors:

Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Tibetan, Turkish or Vietnamese

These minors may not be combined with majors other than Asian Studies.

A major in Latin American and Ancient American Studies may not be combined with a minor in Spanish Studies or Anthropology of the Americas.

A major in Romance Studies, which inherently includes two Romance language regions, may be combined with a minor in French Studies, Spanish Studies or Italian Studies if that minor comprises a different language region.

“Geography” may not be combined with “Protestant Theology and Hermeneutics” or “Catholic Theology”.

“Economics” may not be combined with “Protestant Theology and Hermeneutics”.

Single-Subject Option

This option in the Bachelor of Arts program combines two philologies into one unit through cross-disciplinary courses. By taking courses in two countries, students have the option to earn an international double degree.

  • German-French Studies (in cooperation with Sorbonne Université in Paris)
  • German-Italian Studies (in cooperation with Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Go to Bachelor of Arts programs31


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