Studium Universale program
As part of its Studium Universale program, the University of Bonn regularly offers courses, lecture series, presentations, discussions, exhibitions, and guided tours to the general public, complementing the regular course offerings.
This program is aimed at anyone who wishes to explore other fields of knowledge, gain general orientation, and acquire additional knowledge.
Individuals who are not enrolled as full-time students at the university may only participate in the university's regular course offerings if they are enrolled as guest students and have paid the corresponding fee of €100 for the semester. The guest student application form can be found at:
Lecture Series/Lecture Series
Participation in lecture series/lecture series and individual lectures is free of charge and possible without the requirement of being a guest student. Students from all faculties of the university, as well as all citizens of the city of Bonn, are cordially invited to these events.
The Dies academicus will take place in the summer semester on May 14, 2025, in the main building of the university.
Semesterprogram Studium Universale Summerterm 2025
The program for the summer semester 2025 will be available on this website from March 25, 2025.
Unless otherwise stated, the lectures will take place from April 7th - Juli 18th, 2025 in the main building (HG), Am Hof 1.
Registration for individual lectures and seminars is not required unless explicitly stated. Guest auditors are required to attend the lectures.
Funding for a Lecture Event
you can open the application for funding for a lecture event using the following link and fill out the required fields directly. Once your application is approved, we will notify you of the amount of the fee by email.
To pay the fee, we require an invoice from the recipient in accordance with Section 14 of the Value Added Tax Act (VAT).
Contact information
Director and Head:
Prof. Dr. U. Baumann
Office: Katharina Koçer
Maximilianstraße 22, 53111 Bonn